Star rating of 4 because better than the photos

Level 2
Norwich, United Kingdom

Star rating of 4 because better than the photos

Sometimes I do wonder!! My last guest just gave me the most amazing review but gave me 4/5 for accuracy because it was ‘so much better than the photos’ in that instance is there any way Airbnb will change the rating?!

3 Replies 3
Level 10
Swannanoa, NC

@Lucy383  No AirBnB will not change the rating.  

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Lucy383 we had a similar bizarre review once. You won't get it changed and you'll probably still be at 5.0 as the accuracy rating only works to 1 decimal place

Level 10
Placencia, Belize

So instead of rewarding you for delivering more than they expected  (which is entirely based on their personal perception), the guest 'punished' you by giving you a 4 vs. a 5 for being inaccurate. Getting more than they expected bothered them? This must be a first in the Annals of Human Behavior.