This is Carnaval week in Portugal, with many parades and fes...
This is Carnaval week in Portugal, with many parades and festive events. I will be performing with a samba group in Cascais, ...
Hello all,
Airbnb has released a new design for searching using Airbnb categories. I notice 2 that specifically apply to my property: "Amazing views" and "Cabin". However, when I filter on these categories, one at a time, in my specific area, my property does not appear.
How does airbnb determine which properties fall into a specific category? And is there anything that can be done to get my property in a category? This is going to be problematic to Hosts if Customers are relying heavily on these category filters for searching and Airbnb is leaving out host properties that most definitely apply to those categories.
I'd like to see if others see the same issue when searching on categories that apply to yours properties in your specific area.
@Chris1866 Thanks for the screenshot, I now understand we were looking at different search pages! I've mentioned it previously, this is how it currently work in Categories, and I've relayed your feedback to the team.
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I have the same problem. Please change the titles back!
@Chris1866 @Emilie @Stephanie That's my problem, because my house does not fit in any of the categories. When guests see my listing, they are missing out on vital information! My home is all about easy access for travelers, which is clearly listed in the title. From the flexible search, they only see "entire home." They have to click on the listing to know the excellent location for travelers. This is causing potential guests from overlooking my space. I would like Airbnb to allow us to have our full titles show up in all searches, just like they did before the rollout.
@Michelle3088 I've passed this on, along with @Gesine11's and everyone else's in the thread's feedback, to the team. Thank you!
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Me too! Let us and our unique places shine! I cannot figure out how this generic naming helps anyone! My bookings are WAY down.
My cottages are lakefront. I searched my area for lakefront and they don't show up! You created this mess and you need to fix it.
@Steve59 In addition to the advice I share further up on how to have improve the chances of your listing getting highlighted in a Category, I wanted to share that Categories are currently updated roughly every two weeks and are curated based on where guests are located. This means that just because you do not show up one week, does not mean you will not show up at all. 🙂
In the meantime, any guest searching for properties in your area can still find your listing as per usual. Categories only filter listing when guests make a flexible search.
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Oh that's just great! I have very seasonal cottages. Almost all of our guests stay between Memorial Day and Labor Day, and we are just starting our season. Now you roll out a "feature" that blocks my cottages from anyone looking for "lakefront" rentals. Maybe airbnb should fix this latest disaster!
@Steve59 @Mark116 Categories are an additional way for guests to search for a listing that suits their needs. The usual search functions remain very much available for all to find their perfect stay as well.
That being said, I appreciate you both and everyone else's feedback here. We're collecting all your comments and suggestions for the team. 🙏
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Instead of repeating the same boiler plate BS about airbnb search options, maybe you can can go ahead and fix it so my listings show up when someone looks for "lakefront?" How hard can that be??
@Emilie If someone has a cottage or a barn or a cabin it should ALWAYS show up because it is always the same category.
I'm not at all surprised that Airbnb's biggest change in a decade is destroying hosts right and left, makes little sense, and does not work at the most basic level.
@Emilie wrote:Categories only filter listing when guests make a flexible search.
Quote from support centre article about this:
"Even if guests search for a specific destination, we’ll show them categories with additional homes they may never have found."
So which is it?
Sorry, not trying to shoot the messenger, but I'm not sure everyone is buying the responses that we keep getting to our questions about this categories mess. I am sure you are waiting for some sort of clarification on these issues too, but in the meantime, none of this makes sense.
@Huma0 Apologies if any of the info we shared previously didn't quite answer your questions or concerns! You're right, we are awaiting further clarification, and we'll share more with you when we can. 🙂
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@Emilie These new filters and algorithm is a major disaster. And most hosts on this thread are attesting to this. My listings went from 700 views per week to 12 since May 11. My listings are beach front with the best views in Aruba and don't come up in the filters Beach, Beach front or Amazing views. I have 41 five star reviews. Used to come up first page 1st or second on all searches in Aruba. Now nothing. And we have to wait every two weeks for an update to a flawed system? Customer service can do nothing when I call them but say they are sorry. This is absolutely horrible. You have hosts like myself who have spent a lot of money and worked hard to establish a successful listing and now it's in the garbage and all we get is make sure your pictures show the Ocean when it has been your cover page for the last 6 months. Disheartening to say the least.
Has this issue been fixed? I have the same issue. It’s a lakefront cottage, pin is on the lake, lake has always been in multiple photo descriptions yet I noticed my listing doesn’t make the “Lakefront” category for some reason. Huge issue considering everyone wants lakefront in cottage country