
Level 2
San Diego, CA


My listing has been suspended without any notification. I have called SEVERAL times and each time the ambassador says that they cannot help. They say the "specialized" team will be in touch. They NEVER call. This has been such a nightmare. I have almost a 5 star rating. Can anyone help me? 

1 Best Answer

Yes, I  finally got it back. 

View Best Answer in original post

19 Replies 19
Level 10
Toronto, Canada

You're probably being investigated by the specialized team for a safety-related concern or because it is a duplicate listing (recent crackdown on duplicate listings). 


The reason the support ambassadors cannot help is because the specialized team is its own separate unit and support ambassadors don't have transparency on what the specialized team is doing. Basically the most they can do for you is to relay a message to the specialized team.


Edit: The only other thing I can tell you is it seems this matter is very serious, as your listing doesn't even exist anymore. When I click on your listing, it basically redirects me to Airbnb instead. Based on experience, this is not a good sign. 

Hi Zheng49, I asked my current guest to please stop smoking in my home. My home is a non-smoking home and itโ€™s written in my listing before they agree to stay with me. 

This guest called and complained about me because she was upset that I politely asked her not to smoke ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿฝโ€โ™€๏ธ


I didnt  know that she called until I logged Into my account to see my listing was suspended. I think itโ€™s totally unreasonable for Airbnb to side with the guest and suspend my account without asking my side of the story. As a host I go above and beyond for all my guests. Requesting to stop smoking in a non-smoking home is reasonable. 

This is true. That's why I pretty much keep all communication in the Airbnb app for record keeping purposes now.


Anyways, in that case, it's possible she complained to the specialized safety team about an undisclosed camera in your listing. 


"Anyways, in that case, it's possible she complained to the specialized safety team about an undisclosed camera in your listing. "


this happened to me, but my camera was disclosed and the guest is doing it because I caught them sneaking a persons it. 


What can I do ?

I do not have cameras in my home. Iโ€™m sure she did lie. Whatโ€™s funny is that after all this she is still staying at my place ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿฝโ€โ™€๏ธ

Hey did you get your account back ? 

I finally got it back. 

Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hi @Nicole3651 , thanks so much for sharing that your account is back up and running! I've marked your comment as best answer so that our supportive Hosts who've commented on the thread know that it has been solved for you.


Thank you again for coming back and updating us๐ŸŒป.



Please follow the Community Guidelines

can you see if my listing exists ?

It doesn't exist for me. Also redirects to airbnb homepage. 

Hi Patrick, I cannot see it. They did the same to my listing. 

the same thing happened to me a guest called and reported my listing to the safety team for a camera, even though it was disclosed and they snuck in. 

What can I do ?

The problem is it's easy to prove they were filmed by your camera (since you uploaded the video yourself), whilst it is hard to prove they snuck people in.


They could be visitors that are leaving soon etc.


This is how I see how a lot of hosts get suspended. Even if I know a guest is breaking my house rule regarding extra person, I try to get it enforced a different way ie. telling them via messaging in the airbnb app that visitors can not stay past 9PM.....


It helps that I have a house rule stating no visitors past 9PM though. Helps with enforcing quiet time as well. 



Makes sense! Itโ€™s ashame we canโ€™t be adults and ask guests to follow the rules face to face rather then through a message.