I started to use the new version of Airbnb few days ago.
What I immediately noticed was the removal of trip length setting from calendar view.
Before I could click on any date on calendar and select the price or set a custom trip length.
It seems this have been removed and now the only way to do so is to go to setting and availability and choose you start and end date and set minimum stay for this specific bracket, which is very hard to do so compare to old way on doing it, but anyway at least it can be done, or maybe NOT!
Because what I noticed is regardless of what trip lenght I choose, when I try to search for these dates as a guest who wants to book, the trip length is still what I had last on the old version before I switch.
For instance, I used to set weekends for a minimum of 3 days trip length and when the time was getting close, I would reduce it to two nights, and I always would get 2 nights booking for weekends.
Now I have a weekend without booking and I can not change the trip length to 2 nights as it is stuck on 3 nights (which I last set before switching to new version)
Obviously I tried to set a custom trip length for the same dates hoping it might overwrite the setting, and also tried to set minimum stay trip length for all booking to one night and removed all custom trip lengths (and yes I saved it after) , but it seems whatever I do the old setting is stuck somewhere and overrides whatever setting I add in new version. The custom trip length will apply correctly to the dates which had no custom trip length in the old version of Airbnb, but can not overwrite the dates which previously had a custom setting on old version.