Unbook a guest

Level 1
Huddinge, Sweden

Unbook a guest

I have family problems and we may need to unbook a guest who has already paid for a visit in July. How do I inform airbnb that the days are not bookable because my life situation has changed? Of course my guests will be unhappy, do I need to compensate them somehow?


1 Reply 1
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands



You need to cancel the reservation. The guest will receive full refund.  Unfortunatelly Airbnb will give you penalties: https://www.airbnb.com/help/article/990/host-penalties-for-canceling-reservations


You can also contact Airbnb and ask them to cancel penalty free. But they will probably not consider your situation as a "extenuating circumstance".




But you an give it a try.