Unfair Overall Rating Calculations

Unfair Overall Rating Calculations

Mean rating status calculations are exactly as the name implies, mean to hosts! One bad review can easily destroy a host's efforts to get or maintain star status and there is nothing we can do about it.


If a host gets several 5-star reviews and only one 1-star review, their ratings status calculated currently by mean (average) is pulled right down. A median rating is  more reflective of the most common guest experience and would remain 5 or nearer to it...


For an understanding of the difference or to see what it would mean for you, check out: https://www.calculators.org/math/mean-median-mode.php


I believe Airbnb should show more fairness to hosts and change to median calculations of overall ratings of both guests and hosts. If we are going to be ruled by algorithms and metrics, we should at least have fair ones... After all, it is we the little hosts that bring profits to the platform and it's billionaire owner.

46 Replies 46
Level 10
England, United Kingdom

I have been marked down this year for the following:


Guest did not read the listing or look at the photos and was confused what they found when she turned up!

Guest was not happy with the % taken by Airbnb so marked me down!

Guest unhappy because I could not extend there check out time or look after their luggage!


yep all my fault!

Level 2
Copenhagen, Denmark

I have experienced unfair reviews and I feel completely powerless over them. For example: Twice during a guest's stay in my apartment, I texted to him and asked if he was missing something or had any questions he wanted answered. He never texted me back. Subsequently, he wrote an angry note to me that there was no more toilet paper. There were 18 rolls of toilet paper in a cupboard in the kitchen. He could have simply texted me and then I would have informed him about it. In addition, he was upset that he had to clean himself after the stay. When he books the apartment, he must be aware that there is no cleaning fee, which indicates that he must clean himself. Furthermore, he books the absolute cheapest apartment in the whole of Copenhagen, and yet he expects me to clean up after him. He could have simply asked if he should clean himself. He ends up giving me 3 stars. All other guests I had understood very well that cleaning was not included, but this man would not take responsibility for his own shortcomings and mistakes and gave me the whole blame