Views at zero for past couple of months

Views at zero for past couple of months

Fairly new to AirBnb with only one listing.  We are a seasonal cottage that has done fairly well last season, good enough in fact that we are a Super Host.  I've noticed the last couple of months, our listing views are at zero, even though we are getting bookings for the upcoming season.  I've also advertised on Instagram, and I can see from those stats, we've had several visits to our listing, yet we still show zero views.  I've tried clearing my cache and using a different browser with no luck.  Any ideas?  

8 Replies 8
Level 10
Santa Fe, NM



That is strange. Have you searched your listing anonymously by available dates to see if you are coming up in search results? 

Yes, our listing is there, and we are getting bookings (2 bookings this week).

I am curious...


Where does one see the views of ones listing?

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

What did Airbnb say when you called them @Bri15106 sounds like a technical  issue ? 

well, I didn't call them yet LOL.  Probably should have done that first but I'm at work and can't talk on the phone.  Was looking to see if anyone has had a similar issue that was an easy fix.  

Top Contributor
Bellevue, WA



I would call Airbnb and ask - they have support 24/7 so you should be able to get an answer. I found what was interesting was that I would have views for our listing register but when I looked at views for our specials and it would show zero.


I notice when I run specials we do get bookings but how can my specials always view at zero? I would think running a special amounts to people looking but maybe not booking so they are not count a view in specials if it results in a booking? I haven’t  taken the time yet to call them and ask. But is has been a lower priority for me. It’s probably a cache issue or glitch somewhere. 

Community Manager
Community Manager
Port Moody, Canada

Hello @Bri15106 and welcome to the Airbnb Community Center 😊


I have reached out to the technical team, which has confirmed that this is a BUG, and the engineering team is working to fix it as soon as possible.


I will keep you posted if I receive any updates.



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Thank you for your help!  I did try to contact their help via telephone but I’ve not gotten very far, it’s hard to understand them and explain the issue I’m experiencing.