Why can't I add a Team Member who has "already been invited to a team"? They may have drafted her, but she's still a free agent!

Level 3
Florida, United States

Why can't I add a Team Member who has "already been invited to a team"? They may have drafted her, but she's still a free agent!

Please explain to me why I can't add a Team Member who has "already been invited to a team"? My housekeeper doing work for another host shouldn't preclude her from also doing work for me. This makes no sense so I hope someone can tell me I'm doing something wrong. Please, school me.

4 Replies 4
Level 2
Clearwater, FL

Still can't find a solution to this. I need to host my own team, yet I am co host for others. 

Level 1
Prague, Czechia

did you find a solution? We are struggling with the same ting!


I just hit this error now. I am adding a new listing and have a property manager that I'm trying to add to my team so she can manage it for me. She already has other listings under her own account as a host. The whole idea of Teams was supposed to be for this scenario and yet it seems it doesn't even support that. I think it gives this error if the email you're trying to invite is associated already to another hosting account. This doesn't make sense though but if I try to put an email that I know does not have a hosting account it works.

Hello @Dexter-and-Misty0 , I have the same problem: I need to add a colleague to our rental company, but they already have a personal listing on their account. How can I add them to the team?