Why was my question deleted?

Why was my question deleted?

Ok, so I'm new to the forum and my first post was about how to get my AirBnB listed on google maps, a reasonable question is seems.

But it briefly showed up for a minute then was deleted or "rejected" it seems.
I tried this forum area thinking that Hosting was the wrong section, but again, deleted.
I included an in-line image example in my post if that matters.

2 Replies 2

@Nicole2098   The message board often has glitches that wipe out your message; I don't think you were censored for content.


As for your question: Airbnb doesn't submit hosts' listings to Google Maps, and will never do so because they don't want to make it easy for guests to contact you offsite and get around the service fees. But a 1-second Google search turned this up: https://www.business2community.com/social-business/add-business-google-maps-01094521


Will try posting again.
I know about the business account and already have that. Will explain in another thread if it works.