ayudas con mi piso

Level 2
Valencia, Spain

ayudas con mi piso

Hello everyone:


I am looking to find a co-host and cleaning person for apartment in Valencia.  Please send me a message if you are interested or if you would know someone that has experience.  Thank you!


Hola a Todos!!!


Estoy buscando co-anfitrion y persona encargada de limpieza para un piso en Valencia.  Por favor enviadme un mensaje si estais interesados o si conoces a alguien que tenga experiencia.




1 Reply 1
Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
Terneuzen, Netherlands

Hi @Chiara940 ! Have you found any good recommendations yet?


Since you're looking specifically for the area of Valencia, it might be worth asking your question again in one of the local Host Clubs. You can find them here: https://community.withairbnb.com/t5/Get-Local/ct-p/en_clubs





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