new to hosting, what am I missing so I know im protected from liabilities

Level 2
Los Angeles, CA

new to hosting, what am I missing so I know im protected from liabilities

I have been hosting for 1 month now and so far it's going great.

Now that the ball is rolling I started to feel and see how I've missed a few major steps.

I've been hearing about host having their guest sign waivers of liabilities agreements

and signing another document as well that the guest understood and will follow house rules. I don't want to lose sleep 

because I don't have everything structured properly. Also my insurance has asked me if I have 

my guest sign waivers since I have allowed jacuzzi and pool access in my condo.

My Answer is No, I don't have a waiver.

If you guys do have this set up, how do you do it? (Electronically,hard copy paper)

Do I just google a waiver form and fill in the blanks?(would this legally stand in court? do I need a lawyer to review the agreement?)



Aside from sprucing up the place and having great turnarounds, what else am I missing to provide a great service and to better

protect myself?




1 Reply 1
Level 10
Swannanoa, NC

@Dunn3  There is nothing on the AirBnB advertising website to document or submit waivers, rental agreements or anything relevant to amenities and liabilities for your property to your guests.  Speak to your insurance company or agent and perhaps get the advice of an attorney.  Any document you need the renter guest to sign should be submitted to them asap either by email or snail mail prior to their arrival. There are 3rd party products (like Docusign) to help you accomplish this.  Using AirBnB will not.