Airbnb COVID-19 related media coverage

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Airbnb COVID-19 related media coverage

Hello, I thought I would start this thread for people who are interested in reading any media coverage specifically related to Airbnb and the COVID-19 pandemic. It might be useful to have these in one place for people to browse.



I'll start this off with an article a Canadian host sent to me today, which might be of interest especially to Toronto based hosts:



Please feel free to post links to other relevant articles you have found (but try not to post duplicates if possible) and to comment away!

91 Replies 91




*bleep*, that's what it's all about. You don't even deserve to have a friend in Germany.





Lol! I've been called a lot worse in my time Ute! But you ain't seen nothing yet - I'm just getting warmed up! :)) 




Women have to be a little nasty, men like it and they need it.



They sure do! And some more than others.. :)) 

Level 10
Auckland, New Zealand

@Susan17Caroline Mcelnay who we have grand standing with her ums and errs at 1pm daily for COVID19/ Coronavirus daily updates here in New Zealand is a former Irish Health employee who is now based  in the Hawkes Bay, NZ. She's obtained a senior role in our Public Health system.


Maybe you could share that one around and find out about her good, bad & ugly history in yours & her Homecountry of Ireland as you are very good with your investigative skills.

 She's featured in one article there as it comes up online.


 It's unknown who is the employment agency used for senior management roles here in NZ however it's known that the Director of Health, Ashley Bloomfield, who is effectively ruling New Zealand at the moment without restraint, has a brother, Stuart who works as CIO for Counties-Manukau & Waitemata District Health Board, and his wife Jo is involved in a senior role with the IT program that's  they are pushing to be used despite the fact it doesn't factor into account there's genuine reasons why we have Privacy Laws...and they are trying to encourage all people to have COVID19 & other location apps etc on personal devices...

There's also a Katherine Bloomfield involved in our Health Care system who I understand is from the same family.


Interestingly there's been a lack of PPE/ PEP items, crumbled elastic in masks and general incompetency with staff not knowing what to do and how to do it as a result of the froth at the top the DHB'S where BLOOMFIELD'S are...


  It's a known fact work place harassment is common within the Health Sector.


The same names pop up with previous "epidemics" involving animals and or humans...where cows were culled in large numbers, financial & other ruin of livelihoods, health & well being has happened.


Smell a rat??

Conflicts of interests?

Lack of accountability??


Oh and to those missing their common sense hugging family & friends & popping  to your local for Saint Patricks Day, see if Caroline Mcelnay from Ireland & New Zealand's modelling including "symptoms " is what you are going through where you are in Ireland..


Thanks in advance 


Central To All Home & Location

Remuera, Auckland, New Zealand 



@Susan17 this article is a text book example of everything AirBnB has done wrong, from screwing up the Host compensation, to encouraging Hosts to overleverage themselves with 22 properties that have decimated local rental markets, while lobbying against any sort of regulation on their platform.

Honestly, I can't imagine many "essential workers" earning minimum wage working at the local grocery store are going feel any sympathy for a university prof who earns at the very least $130K/year in AirBnB income, on top of his professorial salary, which is likely what allowed him to afford those 22 properties in the first place. Or someone who can afford to move out of their home to live on their boat anchored in a San Diego Marina. 

I felt like I needed to take a shower after reading that article.  

You ain't seen nothing yet, @Rodney11!


If you feel you need to take a shower after that, you'd better get yourself a ten-gallon drum of bleach and a wire scrubbing brush to scrub yourself down after processing some of the stuff that will be hitting the news-stands and airwaves about Airbnb's sleazy shenanigans in the coming weeks and months! 

I thought these 2 articles do a good job of explaining the basics and status of covid-19  with  good visual aids.

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

There are similar articles on the subject, but here is one about the extra $1 billion of funding Airbnb has just secured:


What I find absolutely astonishing about this, given the current circumstances and how so many of their current, supposedly valued, hosts are facing financial ruin, is this bit:


"The company said it would use the funds primarily to attract more hosts, or homeowners who list their properties for rent on the company's platform."


Sorry, what?? Supposedly they will put a small fraction of this into the Superhost fund that most hosts don't qualify for and even those that do can't apply for unless invited, they are planning on using most of it to attract more hosts? I really don't know why I should be surprised at anything Airbnb does now, but there's a new shocker every few days. Wonder if Brian is going to mention this in his update to hosts tomorrow?

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

So, I'm going a little off topic here but thought this one might be useful in general for those looking for alternative sites to Airbnb. There are not many options for home hosts, but it might be a good resource for those with whole properties available. See also the comments section, which mentions some other suggestions:


Level 10
Auckland, New Zealand

@Huma0Thanks for this, however there's been talk here  in NZ by our Minister Of Tourism we won't be opening NZ's border to internationals bar those from Australia & Pacific Islands so looks like all home share etc places be in arbitrary lockdowns for a long time yet, unless there's legal action those on power & control trips will carry on their stupid policies, left wing policies I might add.


Journalists should look up Dr Lance Jennings Pandemic, Avian Flu, and his role with WHO.

He was in the firing line for failing to adhere to laws around disclosing conflicts of interests with Pharmaceutical companies & Kleenex Tissues around 10 years ago.

 It's his Pandemic model template that's been used around the world for perceived COVID19.

Plenty more stories we in ABB community can generate to flip this situation we find ourselves in on it's head.


We all have Common laws & basic human rights.

And a social responsibility @Helen427 

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

The way my place is set up, I actually could host health workers if I lived near a hospital, which I don't- I can't imagine there's a call for that here, at least not yet. My guest bedroom/ bathroom has its own outside entrance and as long as I removed shared kitchen use from amenities, I'd really never have to come in contact with a guest. So I can see that with a few modifications, some shared home listings could be viable for this purpose.

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Here's an article about holiday providers not issuing refunds for cancellations:

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Airbnb is now also blocking bookings for whole properties in the UK: