Airbnb taking it upon themselves to offer full refunds for Corona! What is the point of a cancellation policy protecting the hosts?

Level 1
Johannesburg, South Africa

Airbnb taking it upon themselves to offer full refunds for Corona! What is the point of a cancellation policy protecting the hosts?

Extremely frustrating that Airbnb took it amongst themselves to offer full refunds without consent! This is completely against the cancellation policies that hosts chose when signing up on Airbnb.

We had LOCAL clients cancel & received full refunds – our Government has not banned local/domestic travel! They advised to take precautionary measures. How can Airbnb override our own Government restrictions (or lack of ) on travel?

They should have offered the funds as credit for a future booking over the next 12 months. Not given a full refund and in turn having an even more devastating effect on the industry! Or they should have received a 50% refund. That is fair for both the establishment & guest

If Airlines aren't giving refunds, how can you take away the income from establishment owners which rely heavily on them!

I am shocked - Airbnb has only taken their own “brand” & image into account – to look like the hero!
Have they not considered the establishments, their families and their staff!
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