Hello CC and ABB readers. As of midnight tonight New Zealand...
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Hello CC and ABB readers. As of midnight tonight New Zealand will be in Stage 4 lock down. There are serious concerning conse...
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As part of the help and support to hosts announced by Brian Chesky yesterday, one of the initiatives announced was that Airbnb will be sending emails to previous recent guests, asking them to consider making a contribution to the host they stayed with.
I do not want/need anything sent on my "behalf" to previous guests, asking for donations/contributions.
How can I opt out? Guidance very much appreciated...
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Thank you, @Lesley1
I just finished asking this question in a support chat myself, as there have been no responses to this thread. Will let everyone know if the response I get differs. Fingers crossed that this opt out option will, indeed, be presented to us all.
Either way, opt-out or otherwise, such a diabolical initiative will do irreparable damage to Airbnb's brand image and reputation if they insist on pushing ahead with it. They must all be overdosing on the micro-dosing over there in Silicon Valley, or something.
Currently having a very unsatisfactory chat with support (as usual), as they are not answering my question on how to opt out, but telling me how great the company's support is, and outlining each fabulous, wonderful initiative. :Shudders:
It's 8:30 am for me, and there is simply not enough coffee in the world for this. Why, oh why did I start his chat so early???? I'm such a dolt.
Lol! You should at least have waited until wine-time before putting yourself through that torture! Might have made it a little more bearable.
What's interesting is that, in typical Airbnb-speak, Brian says in the video, "We are creating a way for guests to send a note along with a contribution to any of the hosts who they’ve previously stayed with. If you don't want to be a part of this, you don't have to receive the contributions"
Perhaps this is the "opt-out" option that they're referring to. What he didn't clarify is whether or not the begging letter will still be sent to your guests anyway, and if they do elect to send charitable donations to Airbnb for you, it's at that point you can opt out by choosing "not to receive the contributions"? (Sure sounds like that from the video)
In that case, I wonder how they'd proceed. Would they send the contributions back to the guest with another note saying, "Soz. Your host doesn't want your dosh"? Or perhaps they'd put it in some sort of centralised "Go Fund ABB Hosts"- type vehicle (I have read something along those lines somewhere) In which case, will there be any sort of clarity and transparency around that pot of gold? Will there be running totals kept that we're all privy to? How and when will those monies be distributed? Who will be the recipients, and how will they be chosen?
And more crucially, what safeguards will be in place to ensure that those funds are used for the intended purposes, rather than being used to prop up Host-Aid initiatives, such as the $250 million emergency fund, or the $10 million SH relief package? Or will this just be yet another opaque initiative such as the Donate Now tool on the Free Housing For COVID Responders programme? I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
@Lesley1 @Susan17 and Everyone Else
The support person I spoke to this morning told me that at this point, our only option is to refuse any donations made to us through the resolution centre, and that he is unaware of any kind of opt out option.
There may be more information forthcoming, so watch this space...
Also, not that it's likely to do a bit of good, I used the feedback form this morning to:
1. Request that this initiative be opt in ONLY; and
2. Refuse that my name be used in connection to this initiative.
Don't imagine that will go anywhere, but it was all I could think of to take further action on this.
I cannot overstate how humiliating I find this initiative, how completely the lack of an opt out option oversteps the bounds of decency (not to mention the contractual relationship between myself, my guests and the platform), nor how appalled I am at the lack of feedback and guidance on it.
Ah.. as I suspected then. So basically what they're saying is, whether we like it or not, whether we agree to it or not, whether we find it toe-curlingly, mortifyingly humiliating or not.. Airbnb is still going to approach our guests, in our names, for handouts on our behalf.
I don't **bleep** think so. Over my dead body is this going to happen in my name, and I'll go to whatever (and I mean, whatever) lengths I have to go to, to prevent it. This is the straw that broke the camel's back.
@Susan17 @Lesley1 and All
I heard back this morning from support. This is their message:
Regarding the information that you wanted i have been talking with the product specialist team and they inform me about this.
The donation will be available for hosts that have the listing active only.
This will start at the end of april and the notification will be send to all the users as a message.
The guest will be able to see all the hosts that she had and then choose to each one they will send the donation.
By april end we will get more information cause right now the system is still being created .
I will provide feedback regarding the hosts that dont want to receive any amount so they can include that option
...So, I guess we'll see what happens. My listing is currently snoozed, so it sounds as though I won't be included in the donation message (YAY! Fingers crossed). I suppose we can hope that this support agent does include the feedback, and it's listened to and actioned. I guess the other route (if there's no opt out built into this thing) is to snooze your listing, or de-list.
"I will provide feedback regarding the hosts that dont want to receive any amount so they can include that option"
Except that's not our feedback. Chesky already said in his video that the option will be included for hosts not to receive the contributions. Our feedback is that we vehemently object to our guests being approached for charitable donations, in our names, in the first place, and we want no association with any part of the process.
Also, Airbnb typically defines an "active listing" as one which has had a single booking in the last 90 days, so in that case, even those that are. currently shut down, would still qualify. Impossible to know whether that definition of active listing would apply in this instance, but I'd be very surprised if it doesn't.
For reasons best (and only) known to themselves, Airbnb seem determined to steam ahead with this braindead, wrong-footed mission anyway - regardless of our wishes and despite our strident objections - so presumably, their plan is to send the begging bowl round to as many former guests as possible.
We can only speculate as to what those reasons might be.
@Susan17 I just love how Chesky apologizes for not consulting or notifying hosts about the full refund cancellations, then turns around and continues to ignore what hosts have to say, barrelling ahead with atrocious ideas.
He's like a guest who tells you they had a wonderful time, then leaves a 3* review.
I wouldn't know Brian Chesky from the Panama Canal, but I have the perfect solution. If he wants so badly to help us out, all he has to do is refund to guests a big hunk of the substantial service fees they have paid in recent months, and to us a substantial part of the hefty commissions deducted from our rentals payments, both from the millions per month he reaps from these two items. Then Airbnb can appear as the new Lady Bountiful, and we won't be subjected to this outrageous portrayal of us as impecunious beggars. Easy.
Not only are hosts embarrassed at the thought of past guests being asked for donations, but this could backfire re future bookings. I have a few guests who've stayed more than once, and who say they will stay again on their next break...... I'm sure many of us do. Suppose these guests think I'm never staying with those old hosts again, having been asked for a handout.? They might think it came from MY initiative, not Airbnb's? Or they might decide never to use Airbnb again? This could be repeated all over the world!
PLEASE tell Airbnb we don't want just to DECLINE the donation, we don't want our name used in even asking! NOT IN OUR NAMES!
Maybe find a way to group message our previous guests to tell them what our feelings are?
I hope you are well. Is there any update on this situation? Clearly a lot of hosts are really not comfortable about this. The ability to opt out of receiving the donations is not good enough. People do not want their former guests to be approached in the first place because that's when the damage will be done.
Seeing as Airbnb are still developing the method for doing this over the coming month, can they not change it so that hosts can choose whether to opt in or out from the start?
Hello everyone,
Thanks @Huma0 for your mention.
So I've been following up on this one quite closely with the team. I've fed all your feedback here over to the specific team working on this. I don't have an update on this yet, but I'm hoping for some next week (but i'll keep you posted).
Just to confirm this initiative is not live yet and the feedback you have given has been super helpful as the team work on this more. There are a few different elements to it, the donations part being just one of them.
As I say I'll let you know when I hear more, but I'm regularly following up on this to get you more information.
Thanks and speak to you soon.
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