
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session

Наш опыт на Airbnb./Our experience on Airbnb.

Наш опыт на Airbnb./Our experience on Airbnb.

Впервые мы познакомились с этой платформой в 2014 году как путешественники.

Когда мы узнали об этой платформе и начали регистрироваться прочитав все правила. Мы были настолько воодушевлены всем этим и это был такой нестандарт что-то не похожее на всё остальное, мы подумали, неужели мысли других людей совпадают с нашими? Это классно!

С 2017 мы решили, почему бы не попробовать себя на этой платформе и как хозяева - принимать гостей. Мы изучили все правила и были согласны с ними. Эта платформа была для нас - двигателем мира!

Мы зарегистрировали своё небольшое жильё. В первое время это было так классно, принимать гостей из других стран. Один из нас даже выучил французский и английский языки.

Предоставление жилья на платформе Airbnb не являлось для нас сильным дополнительным заработком. 

Мы никогда не завышали цену мы всегда ориентировались на обычного среднего человека, который хочет приехать в нашу страну в наш город и пожить в ней по доступной стоимости. Мы старались всё делать для этого. Мы с пониманием отнеслись к правилам уборки во время пандемии и соблюдали большой ряд условий.

Совсем недавно, мы с семьёй сели и подсчитали все расходы и приходы за последний год и получилось, что у нас нет дополнительного заработка и, когда мы об этом поговорили в семье, то мы дружно улыбнулись и решили что это просто наше хобби) 

Мы могли бы сдать квартиру и без Airbnb. Но выбрали именно эту платформу. 


И, только мы, с трудом пережили этих два года пандемии, за период которой компания Airbnb не особо сориентировалась и не поддержала хозяев (Мы просто поражены!) никаких особых мер поддержки мы не почувствовали.


И что происходит сейчас?какое же мы получили разочарование в платформе Airbnb (на данный момент я понимаю, что они равны между нашим восторгом вначале и ужасной реальностью сейчас) и в ваших двойных стандартах и лицемерии.

Какая толерантность?  Какое отсутствие дискриминации? Почему вы всё время себе врете, выдавая желаемое за действительное?

Почему было по-человечески не написать не подготовить заранее хозяев из России и Белоруссии, предупредить их о том, что возможен уход компании и поищите, пожалуйста, себе другие платформы. (Почему обычные люди должны были пострадать? И расплачиваться за то что творят правительства всех наших стран?) Заслуженный наградной бонус теперь никак не использовать. Этого как-будто и не было. Гости, которые ещё зимой составили свои планы, забронировали наше жильё, пишут, что не могут написать нам и волнуются, куда ушли их деньги, и честны ли МЫ перед ними, примем ли их. По телефону в поддержку теперь не дозвониться, ждала 20 минут. На письма в поддержку о спаме и мусоре, который нам присылают, не отвечали много дней.

Так отыграться на обычных простых людях🙈


А вы уверены в том что правда это то что ВЫ знаете??? Вы точно уверены в этом? А если это не так, будет ли вам стыдно потом за своё поведение?


Опять же, беженцы, чтобы вы понимали, из того государства, про которое вы все совсем недавно узнали, соседнего с нами, бегут не только в Европу!!! но и в Россию у них здесь гораздо больше родственников, чем где-либо и многим из них здесь тоже нужно жильё на время. Это такой позор для всего мира - этим людям не помогает даже Красный крест, который, вроде, вне политики.


В какой-то степени я, например, даже рада, что последние события обнажили наши натуральные отношения друг к другу. Сразу всё стало честно и прозрачно.


Спасибо всем, если дочитали до конца./


We first got acquainted with this platform in 2014 as travelers.
When we found out about this platform and started registering after reading all the rules. We were so inspired by all this and it was such a non-standard something not like everything else, we thought, do other people's thoughts really coincide with ours? This is cool!
Since 2017, we decided why not try ourselves on this platform and, as hosts - receive guests. We studied all the rules and agreed with them. This platform was for us - the engine of the world!
We registered our small home. At first it was so cool to have guests from other countries. One of us even learned French and English.
Hosting on the Airbnb platform was not a strong additional income for us.
We have never inflated the price, we have always focused on the average ordinary person who wants to come to our country to our city and live in it at an affordable cost. We tried to do everything for this. We were sympathetic to the rules of cleaning during the pandemic and complied with a large number of conditions.
Most recently, my family and I sat down and calculated all the expenses and receipts for the last year and it turned out that we do not have additional income, and when we talked about this in the family, we smiled together and decided that this was just our hobby)
We could rent an apartment without Airbnb. But chose this particular platform.


And, only we, with difficulty, survived these two years of the pandemic, during which Airbnb did not really orient itself and did not support the hosts (We are simply amazed!) We did not feel any special support measures.


And what is happening now? what a disappointment we got in the Airbnb platform (at the moment I understand that they are equal between our enthusiasm at the beginning and the terrible reality now) and in your double standards and hypocrisy.
What kind of tolerance? What lack of discrimination? Why do you lie to yourself all the time, wishful thinking?


Why wouldn’t it be humane to write and prepare the hosts from Russia and Belarus in advance, warn them that the company’s departure is possible and, please, look for other platforms. (Why did ordinary people have to suffer? And pay for what the governments of all our countries are doing?) A well-deserved reward bonus is now not to be used in any way. It was like it didn't exist. Guests who made their plans in the winter, booked our accommodation, write that they cannot write to us and are worried where their money went, and whether WE are honest with them, whether we will accept them. Can't get through on the phone now, waited 20 minutes. Support emails about spam and junk sent to us went unanswered for many days.
So to recoup on ordinary ordinary people🙈


Are you sure it's true what YOU know? Are YOU sure about this? And if this is not so, will you be ashamed later for your behavior?


Again, refugees, so that you understand, from the state that you all recently learned about, neighboring with us, are fleeing not only to Europe !!! but they also have many more relatives here in Russia than anywhere else, and many of them here also need housing for a while. This is such a shame for the whole world - even the Red Cross, which, it seems, is out of politics, does not help these people.


To some extent, for example, I am even glad that recent events have exposed our natural relationship to each other. Everything became clear and transparent.


Thank you all for reading to the end.

22 Replies 22

Putin has not shut down TikTok yet @Vladimir-and-Elena1   So you can see this



This man with funny hair is the leader of the United Kingdom (Great Britain) . 

I hope someone can translate for you.


@Vladimir-and-Elena1    This family certainly not fleeing to Russia

@Karla533  While I agree with your general message, this family are real humans so at minimum we can empathize with them. Russians are being jailed for protesting. Yes, jail is better than death from shelling but those are brave moves nevertheless and it is barely takes about. Those who want to leave that country are shunned. Furthermore, pushing regular folk away feeds into the Russian propaganda and gives them no choice but end up in the arms of their government. When this is over, we want the ordinary people want to be globs citizens again

@Alex893  I don’t agree with your opinions. And yes real Russians are being arrested for peaceably protesting the war; there are many videos showing this. The original posters did not mention this. 


Note that the original posters @Vladimir-and-Elena1  called ABB a hobby and said they don’t even need it to rent their space. So, apparently they are by their account not experiencing much or any hardship from any ABB actions. 


Ordinary Russians are being lied to by Putin and his supporters. This chat is an opportunity to reach a couple of them with the truth. 

The hackers who call themselves Anonymous have worked very hard to send  accurate information to Russians.  Anonymous took over unsecured printers and printed information, and asked people who care to text messages to randomly generated Russian cell phone numbers. Anonymous also took over Russian television and broadcast images of destruction for a time. 

The point of the original posters’ message seemed to be to make us feel sorry for them, because sanctions from Europe, the USA, Canada, and many other countries are affecting their vacation business. 


That’s not all. The value of the ruble has fallen to historic lows. Sugar is in short supply in parts of Russia,. Would you prefer more bombs being dropped? 


@Karla533 I do not know the purpose of the last sentence. Are you saying anyone who has an opinion even slightly different from yours suppers the war? You will never convince anyone if you are not open to a conversation 


Anyway, thanks for the history lesson on Anonymous and there activities. Here is one for you: those in Russia who want to know the truth, know it. There are internal trusted sources of information such as Masyanya proving them with it.  Those who don’t are not going to be convinced by Anonymous. The main activity of anonymous is disruption. The group is achieving the intended goal and I thank them for that. 

if you decide to convince any more Russians, show them this

take care

Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hi @Vladimir-and-Elena1 and all, 


Thanks for sharing your concerns and experiences here. I understand this is an incredibly difficult time for many. As I confirmed in some other threads and as some have mentioned above, Airbnb has suspended Airbnb’s business in Russia and Belarus and no users located in those countries will be able to use Airbnb to make new reservations. The block is based solely on geography, not nationality of our Community Members.


That being said, as I feel that this conversation has gotten off track and some remarks become too personal, I have decided to close this topic in line with our Community Guidelines. Keeping those in mind, you are welcome to start a new discussion should you want to. 






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