I received this response from Airbnb support. The first ques...
I received this response from Airbnb support. The first question I asked was “ what advice are you giving hosts who have seen...
I didn't know this when I booked this ** for my 2-month vaction and paid one-month deposit of $2970 in full. The house looks beautiful and spacious and I was going to welcome my first baby there.... until I texted a friend of mine in Texas the address so she can come over to visit me. And she told me that house had a murder case couple of years ago where a man killed his ex-girlfriend's two teenage girls in that house and it was all over the local news (https://www.chron.com/news/houston-texas/article/Police-Man-37-admits-killing-two-teens-in-1718851.p...)......
It freaked me out! I don't want my baby to be born in a house with a murder case! Even without a baby, a normal person wouldn't want to spend their long-expected vacation in a house where two girls were killed, not to mention that both of my parents are buddhism and it just creeps them out....
I contacted the host. They admit that there was a murder case did happend in that house and "people live there happily after that" and told me to cancel "if I wish" but refused to issue any refund! I couldn't believe these words came from so-called Super Hosts **. To me, they're liars with cold and greedy hearts. They got 3k for free with a haunted house. That's easy money.
I wanna tell my story here because I know that nobody looking for a vacation house should experience what I just experienced, and I know it's almost impossible to do your due diligence on a vacation house. So all I can do now is to post my story here and hopefully we can hunt the haunted ones house by house.
**[Sensitive information removed in line with - Community Center Guidelines]
*personal remark removed*
Please be know that people be diffrent so all can belonging every where which is as beautiful at airbnb and all the guests are. Be know you such a great host make frieds with everyone guest and be brother and sister siblings, parents, cousin, spouse, children, the list is endless.
@Ute42 There are very few people who could manage that level of satire in anything other than their native language. I'd say you've aced improving your English. You're brilliant.
@Ute42 You have the power to make me occasionally choke on my Feierabend beer, thank you! 🙂
The negative person will have to wait longer, if at all he will bounce back. He will have to go through LONG PITY PARTIES lose some more sleep, be overly stressed and maybe even go through depression.
Hallo @Ute42
Of course, fighting negativity does not mean you have become unrealistic. The unexpected always happens, and everyone experiences such moments. It is part of life. The difference is in your response.
Troops cheer for a Troops.
Negative people are need in help.
Their negativity comes from something buried deep within. Unless that thing is dug out and dealt with, they will remain trapped in their negativity.
*personal remark removed*
*personal remark removed*
The only negativity I've seen in this thread is the original poster's and their supporter's.
@Branka-and-Silvia0 I found this; not sure if it was the thread you were talking about, but it was certainly about the hyjinx around fake profiles https://community.withairbnb.com/t5/Hosting/The-Rise-and-fall-of-AJ-the-Superhost-Will-it-affect-you...
@Alexandra316 I had a little help from the powers that be 😁
Could also be this one...