Hello everyone. I am new to Airbnb. How do most people dea...
Hello everyone. I am new to Airbnb. How do most people deal with keys/locks - what do you find the most effective or the ea...
This is ridiculous! They used to have pretty good support and sometimes you'd have to wait on hold but only recently have they started what is basically a "go away" policy on phone support. Don't have any reservations within the next 72 hours, DONT CALL US! They hang up on you and tell you to use their online support. I've been trying that for THREE DAYS and have had support close my tickets and wrap them into threads still open from WEEKS ago about totally separate issues. I've been told I'll hear back quickly and my case is escalated...only to hear NOTHING and then speak to another online agent, then another.
I'm losing tons of money from my issue in a time where every penny counts and have hosted thousands of Airbnb guests and can't say when I've been more angry with the company than now! It feels like a cheap way to save on labor costs, to make hosts have to deal with ridiculous numbers of attempts to get simple issues resolved!
What would be the use for @Martin280 to post his issues? Obviousely these are issues only CS can resolve but they don't.
Tara Bunch said they are gearing up Customer Service, hiring staff around the clock. She said they plan to be done with this in november. So Martin just has to wait a little bit longer.
I don’t know - I don’t know what his particular issue is 😁
sometimes we can advise on approaches
You can't advise on this issue. My two listings aren't appearing on a search for my neighborhood and haven't for over a week now. I thought something was up because I get requests almost daily and then went quiet. @Ute42 Your suggestion to be patient would cost me $100-200 a day. I've lost I estimate over $1,000 in bookings because of this. I've been told I'd hear back now for the last three days from their support and not a single call or email. My support tickets keep getting closed and wrapped into older threads about totally non-related issues. I can't get anyone on the phone because I don't have a booking within 72 hours and that's the only way they allow you to talk to someone now. It's beyond frustrating and the worst customer service experience I've had since starting hosting over six years ago.
@Martin280 Your listings are inactive, that must be why are they not showing up in the search.
Did you get any notification from Airbnb that they suspended your listing for any length of time? Beyond frustrating, I'm sure. I can only sympathize. I hope you're able to get through soon.
They aren't inactive. And I've done nothing to be suspended or been notified as such. Under listings in the hosting backend they both had green dots and said "Listed - Your listing will show up in searches."
"Your suggestion to be patient would cost me $100-200 a day"
To wait till november was an ironic remark that I made.
Martin, Your listings are NOT active. I can see 2 listings under Your airbnb profile, but when I click onto them, they don't show. Instead, I'm landing on the airbnb startpage for guests.
I understand that Your dashboard says Your places are listed, but when I click onto them they don't show. Generally that means, they are either paused or delisted, maybe by airbnb, I don't know.
Also Your booking calendar must have bookable dates. If You have a minimum stay requirement of 5 days, You must have at least one timeperiod of 5 consecutive days in a row open to book. Otherwise Your listing(s) also don't show.
Which is likely why they aren't showing up in search and what they need to fix.
So I was right @Ute42 our online community was able to help @Martin280 by helping him identify his listing weren’t showing as being active 😊
You can easily check yourself if they are in the search system or not:
No results, so they are NOT in the search system
Check listings as adviced by @Ute42