Airbnb Plus


Airbnb Plus

Just listened to the new updates for Airbnb on their FB Live and feel discouraged as a Host.


I don't have an emaculately designed modern home with features that "WOW" guests. I have a humble space for budget seeking travelers in a very expensive city (San Francisco).


Is Airbnb weeding people out instead of including everyone?

Top Answer
Level 10
Pamplemousses, Mauritius

@Angela608 Airbnb plus is probably design for the big hotels and real estate agents who have been on the network for quite a long time appearing like casual hosts so i guess this will now make them standout.I totally agree with you it is unfair for the genuine home owners.Good luck!!!

213 Replies 213
Level 3
England, United Kingdom

This airbnb plus is a con.  I have no kitchen in my place, although I am a 5 star host.  They invited me to apply, at a price, and then said I'd have to put in a kitchen as all airbnb places have one.  I feel its an absolute con, as it's not made clear that is a condition at all.  It also is a complete departure from what airbnb was supposed to be.  Bnb stands for bed and breakfast!  Not bed and kitchen.  Thanking of moving away altogether. 

Level 6
Toronto, Canada

Glad to find this conversation.  I disliked the AirBnb Plus concept from my first read: sounded like a hotel.  Good strategy leaves something on the table - trying to be everything will leave the marketplace confused.  I especially object to requirements for  24 hour check in, bottled/filtered water (Toronto Tap is great!) & locks on the bedroom doors (around here, that defines a rooming house).  


I am concerned that guests will not make the time to understand the difference between a Superhost & a "Plus" listing, undermining the hard work we've done to achieve/maintain that status.   I do send the occasional tweet & product feedback note to ABB, expressing my displeasure with the Plus program. 


Any Superhosts out there also worried about a diminishing value of that badge? Feeling any downturns in bookings? 




Yes.  My bookings have drastically taken a hit in the last two months compared to last year. I was fully booked Dec/Jan (fully meaning at least long weekends) and this year I've only had two bookings in Dec and one booking for 1 night only in Jan so far! 

Hi Andrea, and everyone,  I don’t think Airbnb is weeding people/homes  out with the Plus “addition”  ; )  at all.  I have 2 spaces. One is eligible/selected for the Plus platform and I’m going through the reviews for that now and the other is not an option, or hasn’t been selected. I understand both decisions or directions.  The review process is quite strong- it wouldn’t behoove them to only do “plus” homes and it would severely cut down on the variety and number of possible listings if Plus was the only offering. I think Airbnb prides itself on the array of options they present that hosts creatively come up with. 

Also, I was in one of the research forums prior  to rolling it out several years ago. One of their concerns was how hosts would feel who weren’t invited to do a more selective option. I told them I thought it was a good idea they roll it out, I wished my place could be one, but that I would understand if it didn’t meet the criteria.  And here I am now, and one of mine most likely will after all,  and the other not. The latter is my “workhorse” . It provides a function: It’s a fabulous, comfortable and centrally located apartment in Hollywood and it’s great for working professionals whom I’ve found have become my niche. My “Brown Betty” will do just fine, or, does just fine!  The other is a little more precious, special, secluded and it’s different than the “workhorse” in Hollywood. People love it - it’s perfectly priced and for the area an extremely affordable. But I don’t have to go overboard and “plus”  it out . 

I think the people who offer lower cost options spare beds, couches, Etc are providing a wonderful addition to the ever growing vast array. But other companies out there that only offer selective and high end listings and I think this was Airbnb’s foray into that market. They are a business that is always looking to grow. Do remember the founders started this with an air bed. That concept is still in the dna.

Anyone with a non- plus oriented listing (ie fans are your only option though AC  is required for Plus designation) just make it the best you can, and host as well as you can within the parameters of communication, cleaning, design location, ammenities. Work it.  We get to design these ourselves. That’s a lot of the fun. With all their acquired business acumen, the founders are Art School grads, they’re not from the Cornell School of Hotel  Management.

I have been a host for nearly 10 years. I’ve seen a lot of changes on this platform and have learned more than I can say. And it’s taken a while to find what works for me individually, and I’m just glad the options exist to make these listings unique.



As far as I know there is nobody in my County who has Air Conditioning, a classic example of a San Fran mindset? There is life elsewhere that does not need Air Con.


Wait - what? AC is a requirement?? In all areas?? Why didn't the page on Requirements tell us that, then???


I wouldn't have gone to all the trouble of removing all of our stuff from our home for the photographer (we live here 6 months of the year and while our place is not the least bit cluttered it has certain things "out" that we do not leave out for renters, that I had to remove and store)... basically the whole thing, including the photoshoot, since you have to be there the whole time, took me 2 days! I don't have time for this, and never would have participated... 


It doesn't even make sense for AC to be a requirement in all areas! Here in the mountains of upstate NY, it's not necessary if you have a well-constructed home with good ventilation...


I'm also very concerned after reading dozens of other complaints about the quality of the photos, not being able to use your own photos or choose which one is the featured photo - and most alarmingly - losing your entire description and having it replaced with a 2 or 6-line listing!


In my area, which is a 4-season vacation area, skiing in the winter and hiking and water recreation in summer, a detailed listing is a must! For example, people really want to know how close you are to the ski hill! I personally would never rent a home here based on a 6-line listing and without knowing distance to local attractions!


Can I Opt Out? And if you Opt Out, do you get your old listing back? Or do you have to completely reconstruct it? I spend SO MUCH time on my listing...



I was ok with it until I saw how the marketing is highlighting the plus and putting them on top of the search list and pushing down the regular listings. It's definitely taking it's toll. I was fully booked in Dec/Jan last year and so far only 2 bookings in Dec and one 1 night stay in Jan this year. 

Level 3
Auckland, New Zealand

Hi all, great posts re Airbnb Plus.  I had two Airbnb's, one was a luxurious 2 bdrm style apartment with only 5 star reviews.  At Airbnb's prompting I paid them the $148? fee to start the PLUS process.  The contracted Airbnb photographer met me at the address and he spent an hour or two photographing.  I asked him if there was anything he could suggest I should do to enhance the bnb, he replied, no this is perfect, just what the Plus programme is looking for.  A month or two? later Airbnb emailed me to suggest some minor amendments such as 2 extra pillows and a couple of pot plants.  Not a problem, complied with this and sent new photos to Airbnb.  Then another longish wait, then amazingly another email from Airbnb to say that they were not happy with the photos taken by their photographer and they wanted to reschedule another full photo shoot.  To be fair my reaction was part related to our local council likely to charge additional commercial taxes for residential properties that exceed 29 room nights in one year.  So based on Airbnb's sloppy handling of my obtaining PLUS status and looming extra propert taxes, the luxurious 5 star bnb is no longer.  We have rented it to a professional couple and interestingly we will make more $ per annum as a rental.  

We all make mistakes, however Airbnb were not professional in this instance, I would not even dream of asking for a refund of the PLUS $148 fee, like a lot of customers I have 'walked' away.  Is the above unique to me or is this happening to you?

Level 3
California, United States

I'm going to rant here for a minute........I was invited to have both of my properties be part of the Plus program.  I personally feel pressured into doing this since I feel I may lose business if I don't join.  It irks me because I just paid a professional photographer $250 about two months ago for beautiful photos that ABB said I can no longer use.  I think the photos the ABB photographer did are vastly inferior to the ones I had in place already.  Also, the Plus format doesn't allow for a host to actually say anything about their property. You are allowed a total of about two lines of copy.  This is terrible, in my opinion.  One of my properties is a two bedroom, two bath place.  Both bedrooms have king beds but I advertise that I can accommodate up to 6 guests because I can offer two twin or a queen air bed (nice, elevated ones).  There is absolutely no place in the Plus format that allows me to state that about the air beds.  So potential guests will see I have two bedrooms with kings beds and have no idea how I can sleep 6.  That is going to create a lot of confusion and guest who think I'm pulling one over on them somehow by advertising 6 with only the two actual beds.  I get a lot of families who are happy with the twin air beds.  They ditched the copy I had written and their editorial staff wrote two lines of complete fluff (about strolling along the pier and enjoying a glass of wine while watching a sunset) than did not give any actual info on the property.  I have no place to indicate I offer beach chairs, bikes, beach umbrellas, beach towels, boogie boards, surf boards, etc.  Those are things that beach vacationers care about.  Last bit of the rant, I don't get to choose my photos nor do I get to choose which is the primary photo.  They chose an odd picture of the secondary bedroom in one of my places with a headline reading something like "Enjoy a gorgeous roof deck....".  If you were to use that headline, wouldn't you think you'd have a corresponding photo of the deck??!!!    For my other property, they left off any photo of a garage.  In a beach community, having a garage is HUGE and they suggested I just not mention it when I sent an email asking about how I can get that included in the listing.  That's just crazy.  Btw, the response I got from them was that they've done extensive research that tells what a guest wants to see in a listing.  But I have to believe the guests want to see how the place can sleep "X" number of people, if they can park in a garage, and if there are lots of extras like the beach stuff.   I actually sent an email asking for more info since there is no Plus host phone number to call, and said I didn't want my Plus listing published before I got answers.  Yesterday, I got a congratulations email that is was published!!  And it had all that fluffy language in it that I never even got to see prior to publication.  I get 65% of my business from HomeAway but rely on ABB for the other 35% so I can't just drop them although I just want to at this point.  I'm probably going to just stick with the regular ABB listing and not participate in Plus.  I sure hope they don't charge me for the photos that I will not be using.

Is it possible to Opt Out? I just had a photographer out today and now I'm freaking out after reading dozens of other complaints like yours! And if you Opt Out, do you get your old listing back? Or do you have to completely reconstruct it? I spend SO MUCH time on my listing!

Level 6
Windham, NY

Don't feel bad... I just had a photographer come and shoot our home for Plus but after reading all of the complaints from participants - mostly the quality of the photos, having no control of which photo will be featured, not being able to keep your old photos or house name (!), missing key features of the house, and most of all - getting rid of your description and replacing it with a short 6-line description, I'm wishing I hadn't done this! I just hope I have the opportunity to Opt Out before my listing is ruined...

Level 5
Atlanta, GA

I DO have a Luxury Listing, so I would argue that in fact we are the aggreived party here. Airbnb control the photos in the listing! In which case, I DEFINITELY don't want to be a part of "Airbnb MINUS". But those who opt into the program and allow Airbnb to take control of their biggest marketing tool, get a higher listing!  This program is BOGUS.



* Airbnb deducted $149 x 2 immediately from my future payouts after I made a booking for 2 listings. The Airbnb representative said that this should never have happened since no one had visited my listing. 

* As soon as I read that I am no longer in control of my photos I opted out of the program immediately. 

* There is NO REFUND for this, so I have been charged for a product that I no longer need.

* Upon calling the Airbnb team, I have been put forward to mitigate the issue of payment but have been told that it is unlikely I will recieve a refund.

* This product seems to favour those who don't recieve high enough ratings for what they do. I literally adore my product and get great feedback from it. I am aghast that a program can come along and be given a higher listing rating because Airbnb take control of the photography.

* I always paid a pretty penny to have my OWN photos on the listing. Not Airbnb's! The very essence of Airbnb is that you can put your own personal touch on your unique listing. That has now disappeared and my listing placement will suffer as a result of not engaging in the program. 

* Both representatives that I have contacted have expressed the negative feedback recieved from hosts regarding the program. 


I am deeply disappointed Airbnb. Please be sure to check if this is a program that will work for your listing. And I am sorry for us 'SuperHosts' who get jacked in the process.......

Level 1
Chicago, IL

After reading all the negative experiences people are having I’m not even going to try to get Plus. I was denied “select” a while ago but not given. I’m a super host and love hosting. I think my reviews and pictures of the condo speak for themselves. Until they figure this out and actually make it worthwhile I’m not even going to try. Thank you all for the honest feedback on this program because it helped me decide!

Level 2

What frustrates me MOST about airbnb is your (anyone listening?)/their awful website!  Proof that they have little competition yet.  Get it fixed or someone will outperform you.


For example, I'm trying to MAKE a comment, but I can only figure out how to REPLY to an existing comment, so that's why I'm doing it here.  Seems pathetic.  No, I'm not a whiz at digital, but make it easy for dummies.


Second, the Airbnb Plus response system is screwy.  On my laptop I have one set of To-do's.  On my phone and ipad, I have a DIFFERENT set of To-Do's.  Come on.


And on BOTH platforms, there is no option to send a photo or even a message that I have FIXED the issue.  There was before - but the function is no longer there.  Come on.


Also, I get a nice message to send them any questions I might have, like the above.  But there is no way to SEND such a message.  The closest I've gotten is leaving this message in the WRONG place to the wrong people to whom I now apologize 🙂


One more thing:  the anti-competitor algorithm automatically eliminates the lockbox combination when I send a message to my guests with it - interpreting it as a phone number surreptitiously attempting to end-run the system.  Which I'm sure also logs me as a scofflaw in some internal database.  


Anyone from airbnb - can you reach me directly with resolutions to this?  I'd leave my contact info - but you'd strike it out.  





Level 10
Dana Point, CA

Count your blessings. I, like many of you thought I needed to go on plus to get back at the top of the listings bc I was getting buried under the plus listings. So I got approved and very shortly realized it was a bad idea, I’m still looking for that “leave Airbnb plus” button. The photographer that comes is under very strict guidelines of what they can photograph. So he missed 50% of the things that make my rental unique and desirable and that people comment on most. I was there during the shoot, so I told him what additional photos I wanted. He was very reluctant and did some of them, kind of, in the way Airbnb wanted - aka only full room shots from a straight on angle. Then, when your listing is put up by them, they are the ones to pick the photos used - not the owner. Which is nuts, bc the owner knows the space best and what the guests gravitate to regarding the listing. Not only that, you can’t move the photos around in different orders and they chose the cover picture - of which was a ridiculous choice in my case. Oh, and they want you to re-word your whole new listing rather than transferring over your old and allowing you to make changes - much easier. (After several emails they finally got it and somehow transferred my old descriptions over - not sure if they’ve made that standard yet.) On top of that, in my listing in general, I tended to under promise and over deliver naturally. Guests were always surprised by the unexpected touches and amenities. Now, bc its a plus listing I feel like I am having to over promise and am under delivering - even though I’ve changed nothing. Everything is the exact same as before except these guests come with a new set of expectations and more entitled attitude. Not to mention, I didn’t even raise my rate when I changed to plus so it’s not as if they are paying any sort of premium for their heightened expectations. So, if that wasn’t enough - I went from being booked 28 days last month prior to plus, to getting 2 - 2 day bookings - after being on plus. My guess is bc they dont pick the most alluring cover photos. By the looks of it, they default to a bedroom shot. My kitchen, living room are way more beautiful and appealing to the average guest. And last but not least, guests used to leave reviews immediately, without me ever asking bc they were so excited and in love with their stay. They were communicative when they got there and it was an actual pleasure to host them bc I knew they were grateful and loved my home. The few plus guests I’ve had... radio silence and no reviews. Oh, and I’ve rec,d more spam/ annoying questions from random people that put in a fake set of booking requests just to ask me questions or try to wheel and deal than ever before. Anyway, I preferred the early Airbnb days of humble house guests who felt the community of the experience, who were grateful and gracious - rather than the snobby guests plus attracts. Bottom line, don’t feel bad that you are not plus. Just keep being a superhost, pick your best cover shot, and reply quickly and you will make your way back to the top. Plus has been a headache and killed my bookings by 80% ... still searching for that dang button.


UPDATE: I updated the app on my phone and the button appeared! Evidently the opt out is a new addition they seemingly have had many requests for. Back to my old listing that attracted my favorite humble down to earth guests. 🙂