Another Covid-19 Cancellation under Strict Policy

Level 2
New York, NY

Another Covid-19 Cancellation under Strict Policy


I had two guests booked two weeks out for New Years. Three days before check in, the guest messages me requesting a cancellation because he is sick with covid. I have a strict cancellation policy and responded by informing him of his agreement to that policy and wishing him a swift recovery.


Now this is only my third guest ever and I was worried I would get slapped with the loss on this due to extenuating circumstances policies. I tried my best to inform Airbnb of this and I also conveyed my concern at the easiness as which bad faith actors can use this as a get out of their agreement free card. (I am a professional graphic designer and proof can be EASILY forged). What shocked me most is Airbnb included not only *proof* of a positive covid test result sufficient, but also just exposure. 


In the end I am out over a thousand dollars and my risk of loss using this platform is at 45% when I factor in the revenue from my previous two listings. What is your risk of loss while hosting on this platform during Covid, and what avenues have you found to mitigate that risk?

10 Replies 10
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@David8430 we are out about 10% of our yearly revenue. We probably face a similar risk going forward. For us it was a combination of guest cancellations for Covid and us cancelling due to daughter's Covid. Feels not as bad as it could have been given the far worse, non monetary effects of the pandemic others have suffered.

Yes an important reminder, it could be worse.

Level 10
London, United Kingdom



Thanks for posting this. It's very useful to know.


I asked a competent Airbnb rep about this last week, while he was helping with another matter. He confirmed to me that a valid positive test result with the guest's name on it was required, so it surprises me to learn that - contrary to what is written on the EC policy - you can get a full refund for just being a contact. You don't actually have to have COVID at all.


Whether it's ethical or not to travel and potentially expose others once you've been identified as a close contact is a separate argument. What concerns me here is that Airbnb CS are yet again refunding people CONTRARY to what is written in their EC policy.


Why it surprises me, I don't know. It's not like we haven't seen this before...

Level 10
New South Wales, Australia

"... it surprises me to learn that - contrary to what is written on the EC policy - you can get a full refund for just being a contact."  THIS to me is the bigger problem; the outcome of any dispute with Airbnb far too often depends on which CX rep is tasked with dealing with it and how sound their understanding of Airbnb policies and their application.  

Level 2
United States

I just had a guest with a very pricey stay cancel less than 24 hours before check in. The stay was booked over New Year’s Eve and this guest kept my dates blocked for over 3 months. At the last minute, the guest simply blamed Covid. Even worse, it took all of 5 min for air to cancel the reservation. This timeframe would never have allowed for any “proof” or confirmation of his Covid claim to be investigated by air. It’s pretty infuriating that all a guest has to do is sneeze and blame Covid- and hence get a free pass to do anything they like at the host expense. Covid is not new. And it’s not going anywhere. So if a guest books, then the cancellation policy needs to apply. Period. 

Level 10
London, United Kingdom



I had a similar experience last year. The guest wanted a full refund and there was a lot of back and forth with communication so I already knew full well that he did not qualify for the EC policy. Yet, I guess he read the policy after I insisted on only offering him additional refunds for rebooked dates, that the get out of jail free card existed with Airbnb.


Within minutes of our last correspondence, he had contacted Airbnb and a full refund was offered. I asked CS if he had provided proof. They wouldn't tell me the exact details, but said that guests were required to 'attest to it', i.e. state in a message that it was true. No further proof required apparently. There is no way the guest could have gotten a full refund in that timescale if any proof had been required.

Inevitably, more and more hosts are getting stung by this EC policy under which @Airbnb take it upon themselves to override strict cancellation policies and issue full refunds at the drop of a hat, often with no communication with the host. It happened to me, too. So, although I know I'm repeating myself on my threads, please do contact communicate your dissatisfaction to Airbnb in writing, via the Feedback channel. if enough people do just that, ABB may review their policy at some stage. It is simply not tenable to expect hosts to pick up the entire tab on these lost bookings - often reserved well in advance and cancelled at the very last moment.  

@Jenny349 I most certainly did communicate my dissatisfaction with this policy. I emailed Brian Chesky directly and asked for a case review as well because I know proof of Covid was not provided by my guest. 
I hope the email reaches someone with common sense that is not just your typical support bot. All the low level “help” just talks in circles and never resolves issues. 

Level 10
Austin, TX

@David8430 any stay at any time is truly a gamble... at least you didn't host them and then still not get paid, cause that's an actual possibility as well

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
Terneuzen, Netherlands

Hi @David8430 and everyone!


I just wanted to let you know that some changes have recently been made to the COVID-19 Extenuating Circumstances policy. If you haven’t seen it yet, you can find them here:



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