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how can i join airbnb groups in umoja nairobi kenya
this weekend I think I encountered either scammers or just weird people they booked several months ago, 3 nights they wanted 4 but I have a policy to block day before and after, at the time of bookings, I told her I would unblock the 4th night to please go in and book the extra night ASAP as My place was getting lots of action she did not book right away, meanwhile someone else booked the 4 th night.
They arrived Thursday afternoon, and I explain that I would be able to accommodate their 4th nite if they wanted, as at the last minute, my daughter needed me to dog sit for the weekend, which left my bedroom available for them 3 times bigger then the room they booked with connecting bathroom, they agreed, my son has been staying with me here in Fl. since oct. off the Appliation Trail he is a hiker, he is in a connecting studio room, turns out the folks who booked were musicians and they had music in common with my son, so they seemed to be ok with me going to my daughters and I would be running back and forth over the 3 days.
I emptied pantry space and fridge space, told them the house would basically be theirs, and if any question ask my grown son in his 40 s for anything they may need or questions, also gave them my cell phone number I was only 20 minute drive away they seemed fine with that, on Friday my son said they stayed at the house till 3 pm. they invited my son to join them in a music Jam with them and my son told me they had a great time talking music and playing their instruments together, then they headed out for dinner to meet friends that were also staying here in fl. my son called me at 9:30 that night told me they came home and told my son they had a medical emergency and had to leave, today I reach out to see if every thing was ok with them and see what I could do to help, turns out she lied there was no medical emergency her excuse was she and her husband did not feel comfortable with my son WHAT!!
you hung out and jammed with him all day Friday. and even offered him a sandwich!! so in our conversation this is what I got, I offered to give back one night of the 3 nights they paid for, plus return the 10.00 cleaning fee which would be 40.00 refunded as they did not leave till the second night, she basically blackmailed me and threaten me if I did not give back 2 nights and the 10.00 cleaning fee she would leave me a bad review, and what if I did not comply and take a chance she would not do that. I made the decision to refund the 70.00 and pray she does not bad mouth me.
I offered them the 4th nite free by the way, since she did not make the second reservation in time, I bent over backwards for this couple and they lied and threaten me with a bad review, personally I think their friends offered them a place to stay and they made up the story to get their money back, and threaten me. really are people that mean!!
Yes, people are that mean.
Did these conversations take place in the Airbnb app? If she put in writing her threat of a bad review if you did not give her a refund, you can have any subsequent bad review she writes removed by calling Airbnb. At least that is what I’ve learned from this group - never had it happen personally.
@Pat271 wrote:Yes, people are that mean.
Did these conversations take place in the Airbnb app? If she put in writing her threat of a bad review if you did not give her a refund, you can have any subsequent bad review she writes removed by calling Airbnb. At least that is what I’ve learned from this group - never had it happen personally.
No it was a phone call
@Frances41, this is called extortion and is completely against Airbnb policy. Therefore, you should report them immediately. You should also not have refunded them at all unless they came up with a very good reason for why your son made them feel uncomfortable. By doing so, it is an admission of guilt. You should not have moved out to accommodate these guests or given them the 4th night free. Another host on this forum, @Anonymous I believe, once wisely told me, 'if you bend over backwards, your guests will want a repeat performance while you just end up breaking your back'. That has stood me in good stead ever since. I suggest you do the same.
yes I think I should have stood my ground, but sometime its easier to just give in to POS who take advantage, I need income from my Airbnb to help me pay my bills as a senior on a fixed income, and just bit the bullet the great guests I have had and left great reviews out weigh the scammers. and thieves!
Sorry this happened to you. Being blackmailed or threatened into returning funds is not allowed under any circumstances. Personally I feel you were over generous in accommodating them and offering a refund for their unused night. I would advise ceasing communication with the guest from here on out, and call airbnb to report the situation. Also make sure all your communication is done through the Airbnb platform, as sometimes this may be the only way of defending yourself.
Also, it seems like these guest enjoyed your sons company, so it is a little odd they would state he made them uncomfortable. In a situation like this make sure you gather as much information as you can. Apologize but ask for an explanation "I am sorry you were made to feel uncomfortable, could you please give me a little more detail on what happened?" Unfortunately some guest will fabricate situations or circumstances to get out of a booking penalty free.
Hope everything works out for you.
yes I did apologize that they felt uncomfortable..... but I know after talking to my son on what happen the day they all hung out, it was a brazen lie, they told him one lie and me a different one, they no doubt decided to bunk with the friends, they ran into 2 couples they knew, as they went out to dinner the first night with one couple and the second night the 6 of them met up, my location of Venice beach FL its snow bird season and there was nowhere they could have booked last minute, another Airbnb at my price less then 2 miles from the beach, if they were uncomfortable, they could have packed up the next morning and left not hang around and have a hoot n nanny all afternoon with my son, and go out to dinner and come back to leave at 930 the second night, something is amiss there, and it spells we were scammed.
Please use paragraph breaks :).
I would never have the conversation in a phone call.
But it having happened, I would write back and say "I wish to summarize our phone conversation here. You said x, I said y, you said if I did no refund Q you would leave a bad review.... is this correct?"
Also, auto-record all phone conversations.
its water under the bridge... from here on after, all contacts will be done on Airbnb, if they want to have a conversation, I will refer them to contact through the messaging on Airbnb, so I have it in black and white this was an eye opening lesson that there are not so nice people out there that take advantage even on Airbnb wish Airbnb had a list hosts could add bad actor guests on so no one else falls victim to people like these.
After they threatened you I don't understand why you even would consider giving them a refund.
Because I had no proof of the conversation as it was per her phone call to me and since I was not sure how to handle it and was afraid she would leave a bad review for nothing .that had done on my end, and no proof of her threat it really does not matter at this point.
the nasty women did not even leave me a review or even thank me for the refund, we have come to the conclusion that they have done this in the past, and even with me refunding not even a thank you, beware...….. (Sandy)
Lives in Lapeer, MI