As a graphic designer, I believe that design is a powerful t...
As a graphic designer, I believe that design is a powerful tool for communication and storytelling. With a lot's of experienc...
If you have a sweet tooth, Lemon Tart is your Angel!
A gorgeous French Lemon Tart is a perfect desserts for your Guest ! Classic French Lemon TartsR Lemon Tart, Origin France.
A lemon tart (tarte au citron) is a desserts dish, a variety of tart, It has a pastry shell with a lemon flavored filling.
Lemons are an excellent source of vitamin C and flavonoids, which a antioxidants.
Lemon had a growing success, especially in the 17th / 18th centuries on the ships of the great expeditions, as it was a medicine to prevent from scurvy (a disease caused by vitamin C deficiency, lemon was then the ideal remedy). It’s on these boats that lemon juice based deserts might have been made for the first time. The first version would be, according to historians, kind of a cheesecake with a biscuit base and a mix of eggs, sugar and lemon juice.
Baked French Style Lemon Tarts
Traditional French Lemon Tarts
Another possible origin of the lemon tart could be a French adaptation of the American key lime pie – a pie originally made from biscuits chips and a filling with lime and condensed milk covered with meringue.
In the early 19th century,France the lemon tart was so revered that it was served to the king as a symbol of wealth and goodness. It is relatively simple to make and so worth it for the zesty lemon tang and creamy custard - a delicious sweet and sour experience that cannot fail to delight your guests.
They are refreshing and zingy and always go down well with a crowd. This lime basil pie is no exception.This super simple dessert has it all: silky custard with a hint of lemon tang, all baked into a buttery pastry crust. It’s an irresistible combination.
My Flavor Tarte Au Citron , Jacques Genin
Jacques Genin’s tarte au citron has a crust so tender that it crumbles at the mere touch of a fork, and its crème citron center is a masterful balance of tanginess and sweetness, perfumed with the faint scent of basil as the perfect finishing touch.
The best Lemon Tart, I found at Jacques Genin, one of Paris’ most reputable pâtisseries and chocolate shops, located in the 3rd arrondissement.
The Parisian, we named it “ The Peals Of Paris” Jacques Genin, The True Master Chef
Jacques Genin was dethroned from the top of my list when I tested the as beautiful as it is tasty this is a tart of luxury indeed. Garnished with gold, lemon sugar lace and basil leaves it is a true work of art. it melts in my mouth like a stray summer cloud in a blue sky.
I am a lemon tart lovers and a Tarte au citron SuperFan.
It ust might be the best average price in Paris, 4 euro to spent on my sweet tooth.
To my fellow Airbnb host, make a Lemon Tart to your guest with its tangy, golden center, the lemon tart is the perfect way to celebrate of the arrival of Spring.
Enjoy with your guest!
The Creamy Cheese Lemon Tarts
Happy Hosting
So much yes.
Woooow @Stephen1156
Your listing is An Amazing!
Absolutely incredible, my magnificent view!
“Everybody wants to reach the peak, but there is no growth on the top of a mountain. It is in the valley that we slog through, the lush grass and rich soil, learning and becoming what enables us to summit life’s next peak.” – Andy Andrews
Hi everyone,
Check out @Stephen1156 Amazing listings,
@Mary996 @Helen427 @Ann72 @Ria16 @Mike-And-Helen0 @Stephanie @Nick @Quincy
Well done!
Ways do go!
Thanks, @Dale711! We are very privileged to live where we do, out here on 100 acres in the bush. It was a very quick decision, starting in October last year. We've wanted to run a bed and breakfast for a long time, but it wasn't until the last half of last year we had the chance. We found this, bought it, and moved after being 20 years in our previous house and more than that in the city we lived in.
Now we have to keep up the visitors we've had in the past month (we opened on 1 March and have had guests most days since then) to recover the investment we made in dressing up the cabins.
Steve (and Alli)
Hi @Stephen1156 & Allli ,
“Warmest congratulations on your achievement.”
I really love yours hosting journey! You inspiring me, definitely amaze others.The talent of the success is nothing more than yours to do well and do well more than yours to do it.
it really warms my heart to see yours succeeding likes this. Hat off!
Very welcome to the Community! 👏👏👏
I add my Congratulations on your fabulous listing @Stephen1156 . Are we not blessed to have the kind enthusiasm and support of @Dale711 who is just such an asset to the community xx
I bet you are a good chef, and my six sense tell’s me “ Mary” is in Vogue 70s, 72s-73s .
* She look like you ?”
You’re Amazing!
Haha ... Oh I meant who were the Chefs in vogue then....!!!!!!!!!!! (meaning au current...!!). Sadly not the Mag. Tho I enjoyed those inspiring images ...
Dale and Dan thanks for the recipe, I like the base mixture withe the almond but not to sure about the basi. I think I will give that part a miss.