Cancellation of reservation following security situation in the country.

Cancellation of reservation following security situation in the country.

Travelers, disabled We were to travel to Northern Europe (Denmark, Sweden and Norway in August 2022) We were informed of the events (attack and shootings at people) that took place in Norway. (Then the same thing in Denmark) Coming from France where several attacks have taken place) We immediately informed the host in Trondheim that we were forced to postpone our trip given this situation) Since then it has been silent, since this person intends to keep half of the sum (200 euros as compensation since for her it has nothing to do (...) and that it will be difficult to relocate (+ a month before our arrival? ) RBNB tells us that the cancellation does not fit into the cancellation policy (although it is indicated attack and security situation in the list) but that as it is a feeling, it is random.. question of perimeter km...) we recall that Americans refused to travel throughout Europe during the Paris attacks, and that they had no problems... Consequently, faced with the more than limited "interpretations" of the responsibility and the bad faith of people who want to make money by renting nt their property and keeping the money of people who do not have big means We think to seize the institutions of defense of the consumers at the European level and in Norway and give the publicity which it deserves to this affair taking into account that other people of good faith can be abused too...

15 Replies 15

and we'd appreciate it if you could be respectful of other members who are just trying to help.


where the hell did you see a sign of "disrespect" towards others? In the other direction it also works.. right?