hi my name is Pam and I live in Alamo California. I’ve been ...
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hi my name is Pam and I live in Alamo California. I’ve been a host on Airbnb for more than 10 years and I’m a super host in K...
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We are new (2 years) to Airbnb. Most of our guests are perfectly lovely. We made the mistake of making the place waaaaay to nice. Its in the lower floor of our home, and my husband and I are designers and woodworkers. There is beautiful carpentry, expensive linens and nice kitchen ware. My last guest left a bag of apples on a built in wood entry table. The apples must have been almost rotten, because the next day, I found the bag, and the apples were almost liquid. The wood top is ruined. We will need to pull it (taking apart the trim holding it in place) and refinish it, as well as repairing the trim and repainting that. She was a 5 night stay. Realistically, this will cost at least $800-$1000 to have a carpenter come to fix. A couple of weeks ago, another 7 day stay, a woman and her BF cooked some fish.....I noticed the smell of rotting fish outside about 2 days after her arrival, and subsequently came upon it in the garbage. Not bagged, just a rotten fish on top of the bags. Upon checkout, I found the kitchen EXTREMELY messy. Gloves (from cutting fish...?) about 5 pairs, were tossed about the kitchen, smelling of fish very badly. Food left all over counters and grease coating most of the kitchen. Then I opened the refrigerator......full of food. The fish smell was horrendous. We spent about 2 days trying to clean all this up. We had to move the stove to clean all the grease. Took the refrigerator apart to try to remove the smell, but it persists. We will likely need to buy another new refrigerator. They also ruined a sauce pan, and put all of the wooden bowls, spoons and knives in the DW. There is a sign RIGHT ON THE DW, asking not to. I feel unjustified charging the last girl $1000 for leaving a bag of apples on the table. I honestly think some people don't know any better, and likely their own home reflects this. How are we to know as BNB owners? I think the best way to know, is if folks are honest in writing their reviews. I notice that some folks reserve leaving a bad review for the absolute worst. I don't understand this logic. I am honest on my reviews. If I feel someone is careless and destructive, I want to warn the next host. If they don't come back to stay because of it, all the better. Fish girl, for instance, was outed in her review about her kitchen habits. Curious how others handle these situations.
Yes a curry fight in the bathroom , You couldn’t make it up , the guests did there best to clear it up I will say that , but my bathroom door is a folding door and they had not cleaned the inside of it , and then on closer inspection it was all behind the radiator, and I had to throw all my towels away ,,, I personally can’t think of anything worst than having a curry in the bath , let alone having a food fight with it as well ... lol 🙄
@Lloid0 , @Anonymous.
I’m so sorry, but I have to ask Lloid... was it a red, yellow or green curry?
Hi , it was a yellow curry , the very best , only took sandpaper and paint to put it rite, it was digging out a cauliflower bhaji from the back of the radiator and the odd bits of spinach and potatoe on the tiles that got me lol , 🙄🤣.. I laugh now but was furious at the time ,
@Lloid0 Actually that's a relief. I was afraid "curry" was a euphemism for something even worse.
lol 😂,
Oh no!!! I’m so sorry that happened! I have nightmares about something like that happening. Luckily we are upstairs and can notice anything right away. I don’t think they can retaliate with a bad review tho. They are both hidden (I think) until both reviews are made. It’s crazy that so far in my experience they are women. I don’t know why, but I expected women would take the best care of a place. And I think your on to something with price. When my price is higher, I seem to get guests that like to pay a bit extra for a nice place, and seem to take better care. I know when I book a place, I always have a buffer zone of a bit more I am willing to pay for a cleaner, beautiful space. Because I appreciate it. Cute spot btw.
Hi , thank you , your place is really nice I looked at it yesterday, very impressive, and your price should be in keeping with that, people are willing to pay a bit more for something that’s impressive, I think if someone can’t afford to stay at my place I don’t want them there, that does sound really harsh but it’s experience with bad guests that make me think that way, and we know how much hard work and how much thought goes in to trying to make it the best experience for our guests when they stay at our properties, so there’s no harm wanting the right people , I’d rather be empty for a few nights than have the wrong person as a guest , just because my prices were too low it’s never worth the aggravation it can cause ,
@Gabrielle84 ...I am brand new to airbnb. I have only hosted roughly ten guests in my home. All of the guests have been so lovely and tidy. I do not charge a pet fee or a high cleaning fee, but with that I ask a little more of guests when they stay. I ask that they clean up after pets and cover furniture if their pets will be on it. I ask that they be general courteous (ex: cleaning their dishes, emptying the fridge, taking out the trash, stripping the bed, etc.). The recent guest barely communicated with me. She had visitors that I was not expecting. She let her pet on the couch without covering it. She left cheese sauce (I hope it was cheese) dried on the couch and on the counter tops. The floor was a mess. There appeared to be a popcorn fight in the bedroom. There was makeup all over the walls of the bathroom and in the shower. She took toiletries meant as replacement items for the next guests. She left food in the fridge. She left my heat blasting at 71 (I ask that guests leave it at 65 so as to not waste energy or money). She did not let me know when she checked out, so we we were unable to coordinate cleaning until right before the next guest arrived (I hate doing this). She left pots in the sink, which left rings in my sink. She ruined one of my cast iron skillets by soaking it with soap. In general, I felt like my home was completely disrespected.
Then came the time for review. I gave her a 4 for a rating, which was maybe too generous. However, she was new to airbnb and I realized she did not think these things were rude at all. I should have been more detailed in my review. For me, personally, I always feel bad leaving bad reviews. All of my other guests have been amazing. HOWEVER, now that I am a host, I know I would've appreciated seeing an honest review about her prior to allowing her to book my home. Reviews can be honest and professional, not just harsh and rude. I tried to take a moment before leaving a review, so I wasn't leaving a review fueled more by emotion. I felt awful when I saw that she left me a gleaming 5 star review, but I still do not regret the review I left her. Other hosts need to be made aware of a guest might not respect the airbnb or may just be poor and rude guests.
A couple of useful things to know about Airbnb that some newer hosts aren't yet aware of:
- Hosts who screen their guests by not using Instant Book can't see guests' star ratings, and the guests can't see them either. This makes it especially important to be honest in the written review.
- The "Host Guarantee" does not cover damage caused by pets, and Airbnb does not collect a deposit.
And about the cast iron skillet - don't throw it away, I promise it's not ruined! Just needs a good re-seasoning, and it'll still last you a lifetime.
@Anonymous Thank you! I did not know the host guarantee does not cover pet damages. I also did not know you're unable to see guest reviews. I have always had my "instant booking" on.
@Lauren2701 Hosts who don't use Instant Book can see the written reviews, no problem, but not the star ratings. So it's important to be honest in the written reviews.
Some hosts will give low star ratings but shy away from leaving honest written reviews, so non-IB hosts end up being led astray, thinking the guest was fine, when in fact the host rated them 3*s.
Hi Lauren, I personally would never leave a review I thought was to kind if the guest doesn’t deserve it , the only problem with that is most guests know if they deserve a good review or not , and in my experience they won’t leave a review for you if they know the review they will receive will be a poor one, so u miss the chance in letting other hosts know plus you miss out on potentially a good review yourself , plus if any property is damaged u must go after them for compensation, air bnb have been very helpful to me In getting people to pay up , but there are people who just will not , there are people who just won’t except responsibility for there actions and behaviour, I’m pleased to say theses people are few and far between but they do turn up now and again ,, unfortunately, for every bad egg out there there’s plenty of good ones , i personally can’t wait to reopen, I’ve been closed 35 weeks out of 52 , so all in all Covid has been the worst guest ever ,