Challenging situation support required

Level 2
London, United Kingdom

Challenging situation support required

Hello, I’m currently hosting my entire home to supposedly 8 guests. It has been a huge endeavour and expense especially during the Christmas period. The guest checked in a d I showed him around the entire house and gardens, sauna and jacuzzi. I tried to make it a five star experience with all the added extras. Anyway I received some very rude messages to say 1) the sauna was broken 2) the toilets don’t flush 3) microscopic picture of a few crumbs at the back of the cupboard. I immediacy offered the cleaning fee as a reimbursement on a goodwill gesture which I cannot afford and then the guest complained about the sauna and toilets. I went around to the house immediately and they showed me 3 Misty glasses that simply needed a rinse after the dishwasher. A stain in thr cupboard that was not there on my departure. They were yanking the dial too far so the sauna was not working and I showed them again how to operate it. I explained the toilets always need a double flush. Anyway I have not received payment yet and Airbnb have just got in touch saying the guest wants a big refund. This experience has ruined my Christmas and the guest is clearly and deliberately trying to get a refund with no real reason. The price is the same for Christmas even with all the extra energy and gas they are using. I’m afraid to see what I will find on the 29th when they check out. I have told Airbnb the sauna is a lie and so are the toilets flushing. I will get my lawyers on board if I have too. I hope I will finally receive payment tomorrow which will be 4 days after guest check in. Thank you. Any guidance appreciated. 

17 Replies 17
Level 10
Balearic Islands, Spain



Well, it's obviously too late now. The guest is just another "problematic" one, and you'll probably just have to take this one on the chin. 


Just out of curiosity, what's with the "double flush" thing? Are your toilets not functioning correctly? If not, you really should get that fixed. It's one of those things this type of guest looks for. In their (convenient) assessment, it could be considered "not working", and a "non functional toilet" could be construed as just as serious as "no water" or "no electricity". Even if it's a gross misrepresentation. 


These things can be wildly exaggerated. Especially if there's a reward. 

@Elaine701 I am thinking also a sign that says this toilet requires a double flush if it can not be fixed.

 @Rebecca1234 do you have a house book? I think anyone should have a book with most commonly asked questions, wifi password, directions to the nearest coffee shop its If you have a jacuzzi, a sauna, etc house book is a must

@Rebecca1234   I just had to comment about the double flush thing.  When we built one of our larger properties, we installed fancy, expensive toilets with a pneumatic flush system.  Essentially, press the button and whoosh, water gushes through like a fire hydrant.  Well, EVERY guest we had the first two months called to say that the toilets don't work.  Apparently, no one could push the button correctly.  The air bladder would whine, water would trickle, and nothing would move.  


We installed basic $100 toilets from the local hardware store.  No more issues.