
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session


Level 2
South Yarra, Australia


I am a host and what's the fastest way to get someone from Airbnb to call me if I am having issues? I was chatting with someone from Airbnb support and was promised a call back 4 days ago and no one has called me despite numerous follow ups. This is getting very frustrating and stressful. What's the best avenue to make a complaint?

Top Answer
Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hi @Sanjay89, I wanted to reach out to let you know I have forwarded this to customer support in the hopes to reduce the waiting time. I will update you if I hear back, although they might contact you directly if they haven't already.


Thank you

23 Replies 23
Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Sanjay89  It is very rare for Airbnb to call anyone. They say they will but never do. They're liars.

Contact them through messaging or their Twitter account. 

Level 2
South Yarra, Australia

Oh no that doesn't sound good at all. I just called them again and they said they have escalated my case and someone will call me back. Let's hope they do. 

Level 10
North Runcton, United Kingdom

@ Sanjay89  sadly Airbnb's customer service has been worse than dreadful for at least 2 years, and there is no complaint avenue, everything goes through their 1 contact phone number. They think they are immune to complaints. 

If it's an issue where it's possible to work with a guest I suggest you try it that way, if not this could be a frustrating problem for you.

There are 3rd party mods on this forum, maybe message them to see if they can help. 

Level 2
South Yarra, Australia

@Robbie54 Would you know who the moderators are so I can message them?

Level 10
North Runcton, United Kingdom

You can try @Stephanie  and @Nick 

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Sanjay89 Is your issue anything the folks here can help with? You may just be wasting your time with the support folk.

@Mike-And-Jane0 @Robbie54 @Sarah977 @Stephanie @Nick Some help/advice from any of you would be appreciated.

So someone made a booking of my place the day of check-in and cancelled an hour later. I have a moderate cancelation policy which is why when he cancelled, Airbnb did not issue any refund to him. He then requests me for money for the entire reservation through an Airbnb 'request for money' channel. I explained to him the situation, my cancelation policy and also the fact that Airbnb did not issue him a refund as he was clearly ineligible (due to my cancelation policy and also due to the fact that it was a last minute cancelation on the day of check-in). I only ended up refunding the cleaning fee ($7) but not the rest of the money ($40). Was I wrong in doing that?


He then writes a review about me. I was absolutely gobsmacked as to how Airbnb let him review my place considering he cancelled the reservation and did not even check-in/stay. I can't see the review yet because I haven't reviewed him (quite frankly there is nothing to review as he didn't stay at my place) but he then sent me a nasty private message stating his disapproval at my decision. Obviously he has written a negative review of my place as he is lashing out for not getting his way. I feel this isn't fair as the review will hurt my image, rating and future bookings and technically I haven't done anything wrong but to follow Airbnb's decision and my cancelation policy. This is a revenge review. What can I do about this? This has caused me quite a bit of stress coupled with lack of help and communication from Airbnb.

Thank you in advance.

Level 10
North Runcton, United Kingdom

@Sanjay89 personally I would have refunded the guest as it was only 1 hour after the booking, cancellation policy or not. I can understand why the guest was so upset as it does seem very harsh to take all of his money, and now you have a bad review over only $40 ($40 doesn't seem much, is this a typo?)  Was it worth it? Treat this as experience and move on. 

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Sanjay89 Others will no doubt comment but as long was his review doesn't break the review rules (oh and lying does not break said rules) I think it will be very difficult/impossible to  have the review removed. You might get lucky if he has been abusive but more likely you will have to stick with the review.

Most important is how you respond to the review. When you do so you need to be effectively communicating with future guests NOT responding to his review (if that makes sense). Lots of hosts will give advice on what to say depending on what your non-guest says.

Waiting on Airbnb support will just add to your stress I am afraid.

Hope this helps


Level 10
North Runcton, United Kingdom

"Most important is how you respond to the review. When you do so you need to be effectively communicating with future guests NOT responding to his review (if that makes sense). " Spot on advice. Be professional, do not retaliate to his comments,  doing this will protect future potential bookings.  

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hi @Sanjay89, I wanted to reach out to let you know I have forwarded this to customer support in the hopes to reduce the waiting time. I will update you if I hear back, although they might contact you directly if they haven't already.


Thank you

Level 2
South Yarra, Australia

Thank you

Level 10
СПБ, Russia



This guest made a mistake in booking and cancelled all with in one hour according to your other posting.


@colleen253 warned you of the probability of a review being left and advised it was worth considering awarding a refund, as is your choice. You ignored this sound advice, chose greed, and from your replies here it's apparent you are now embracing victimhood.


This guest has the right to leave a review on their experience in dealing with you, expect to accept consequences.  Your complaint is baseless.

Level 2
South Yarra, Australia

That's a pretty harsh reply. I'm not playing a victim at all. My thinking was because I put in effort and time in cleaning the place (as it was a last minute booking) and bought groceries (as I offer free breakfast) I wasn't fair to refund the full money. But may be I was wrong and I'm willing to admit it. No need to be harsh in your reply. If you have nothing nice to say, then don't say anything at all.