Hi my name is Nirmal. Anyone interested in saleing esim?
Hi my name is Nirmal. Anyone interested in saleing esim?
Texas panhandle
Day 11 - On the Road Again
“Fear is temporary; regret lasts forever.”
That was my mantra as we got ready for our journey. My oldest daughter, Polly, had announced she was moving to Los Angeles. Moreover, she planned to drive there. Before thinking, I blurted out I’d go with her. When she replied immediately that that would be great, the die was cast.
The thing is, we live in New York, and California is all the way across the United States. I hadn’t been anywhere but back and forth to my Airbnb in Maine in nearly two years. Add to that the light of my life was moving away, and I was a mass of nerves and anxiety.
I started planning very tentatively, the way you put a toe into very hot or very cold water before immersing yourself fully. I asked Polly if we could stop in Tulsa to visit Audrey and Dell, Airbnb guests from May who had already, it felt, become lifelong friends. After that we’d stop in Santa Fe to see Jonathan, a dear friend from college. At the beginning of the trip we’d have lunch with Polly’s grandmother, and at the end, we’d have Thanksgiving dinner with my brother. I mentioned our plan to an Airbnb guest from Los Angeles, Michael, and we swapped Instagrams and email addresses.
Polly made an interactive map of our route that we each added to. In Charlottesville, I wanted to see Thomas Jefferson’s Rotunda. In Nashville, she wanted to see the Opry. We both wanted to stop at the Civil Rights Museum in Memphis. Airbnb guest Michael, a passionate foodie, sent dining recommendations for every city we’d be staying in and some we’d be passing through for lunch. Polly mapped out our hotels (and our one Airbnb), and the trip started to become more real. But my nerves wouldn’t die down. Even though I trusted everything would go well, I had no idea what this trip would be like. After spending such a long time cocooned, locked down, isolated, and socially distanced, it seemed wildly improbable that it would actually be fun.
The day of departure finally arrived. Polly steered her car skillfully out of the city and soon we were driving down the New Jersey Turnpike on a brilliant blue November day. We put on Springsteen and started singing along, and just like that, my nerves sailed out the window, never to return. The freedom of the road grabbed us both, exhilarated us, and carried us across the country in a long wave. When we drove into Los Angeles and saw the Hollywood sign up in the hills, we broke into wild cheers. We’d made it. We’d visited family and friends, fallen in love with the American landscape, eaten great food, and gotten to know each other better. I saw a mature, kind, and determined young woman embarking on a new chapter of her life. I wasn’t afraid anymore, and I’d never have to regret that I didn’t go with her.
What a lovely story, @Ann72! It sounds like you and your daughter had an amazing time together.
You're such a good writer, I would definitely read this book 👀
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@Ann72 Yeah, the American West is something and I'm sure the Australian 'outback' is also but I've never experienced that personallly. I can remember many years ago having rented a car I think in Phoenix and finding the speed limit was something insane like 80 or 85 because the roads were ruler straight for miles and miles and miles. It was exhilarating and desolate at the same time.
Yes @Mark116 that’s exactly it! I had the same experience a few years ago in Wyoming. That description - “exhilarating and desolate at the same time” - is so good.
@Ann72 WOW what a lovely memory that I am sure you will cherish for a lifetime. Thank you so much for sharing those very personal feelings of anxiety and trepidation as you release your daughter into the world. But your quote 'Fear is Temporary - Regret lasts Forever' is so true, as we only get to live one life so give it your best shot. Both my children live abroad doing what they love, so now it is their time to embrace life and give it all you've got. Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. Linda 🎄
@Linda3273 Thank you for sharing your recognition of all this - I know you speak from experience. I thought there isn’t a mother alive who won’t understand this 🙂 Merry Christmas to you and yours, Linda! 🎄
@Gordon0 It takes me 8 days, driving an average of 8/9 hours a day, to drive from my Mexican town to Canada. I've made the drive several times, although now I prefer to fly.
Yes, yes, and yes, @Ann72 ! Have driven daughters to their new lives in faraway American cities. Once it was 'transporting the bride across state borders'.
Have noted that the 'Thanks for visiting' signs out of the new town are always blurry. 😉
Lovely piece.
Thanks @Ann72 for sharing.
That sounds like a lot of distance that you and @Polly128 traveled.
Do you know how many kilometers it was?
Any chance of a map showing where the places you visited are for those of us not familiar with the vast lands?
On our adventures a very short walk from our home, we found this gem, and some others that reminded us of those of you in distant lands, at one of the charity shops and thought of you and your contribution on New York in here...whilst we all live in different locations, it's funny how things pop up and remind us of others.
New Amsterdam - New York History
Amazing essay! Really loved going on the journey with you two. Though I got a lot of text message updates!
love how this thread is turning into a family matter 🙂 🙂 @Ann72 @Polly128 @Gracie309
@Ann72 obrigada adorei ouvir sua aventura na estrada
com sua família
isto e maravilhoso
um abençoado Natal cheio de alegro e Paz amor😍