The performance section gives some average info in "booking lead time", has some filter option and a CSV file can be donwloaded containing the fields:
Listing ID,Listing title,Internal name,Region,Currency,Bookings,Bookings YoY,Booking value,Booking value YoY,Nights booked,Nights booked YoY,Average daily rate,Average daily rate YoY,Average length of stay,Average length of stay YoY,Average booking window,Average booking window YoY,View to contact rate,View to contact rate YoY,Contact to book rate,Contact to book rate YoY
Form the "list of reservations" you can also download (export) a (filtered) CSV file, which can be used to create custom reports in a spreadsheet, as it contains among other fields the date of booking (Field: booked) and the Start date of each reservation
All fields:
Confirmation code,Status,Guest name,Contact,# of adults,# of children,# of infants,Start date,End date,# of nights,Booked,Listing,Earnings