Sudsrung I have a Compaq 'Presario' computer with 500 meg of ram and a 4 gig hard drive which still works using Windows XP! Here I am with the old girl...(now don't get personal, the old girl is the metal thing to my left!!!)

The only reason I don't use it is because it is too slow and no good at graphics. But every now and then I will fire it up to show others what the latest in technology looked like in 1994! It still receives emails, searches the NET. It's not much good at photo-shopping due to its lack of RAM but, if you are prepared to 'hold its hand' and work with it, it will still do just about anything an up to date computer will do!
Today, for my general use, I am still using a 2010 Hewlett Packard 'Pavillion' PC with 8 gig of RAM and a 600 GIG digital hard drive running Windows 7. It has never broken down and still works just fine, it's fast and does everything I want it too. I am all the time being told by Microsoft that 'Window 7' is not supported any more but, while it works I will keep on using it! That old expression....'you can't teach an old dog new tricks!'
I know I am running the digital equivalent of a Model T Ford......but it works and I am not into gaming so, why replace it!
@Andrew2878 @Emilie