Hello!... My name is Javier and with my wife Nachita host tr...
Hello!... My name is Javier and with my wife Nachita host travelers who want the full experience in our beatiful country. We ...
Dear All ,
After 8 years of super host I am so disappointed to find out how we ( the hosts) are nothing in this world of Airbnb .
In 8 years and always 5 stars here is what airbnb is accepting from their " support "
Few days ago , I called airbnb for advices as my guest had created a huge problem in our building . Bringing prostitutes and not paying them , one of them had done such a scandal that the police came to our door . As it happened outside of the unit , airbnb has decided to say that the guest did not do anything wrong with airbnb policy . They " investigate " because the guest said that men with gun tried to enter in our unit ? and airbnb sent me an email : saying email "threat " . The girl never asked for the police report or any other proof like affidavit from all witnesses . Short story , i decided to propose our guest to cancel his long term reservation and i will refund the difference if he leaves now .
He accepted as he would never be able to come with a prostitute i guess , he send me a request to change the check out date . As i am an honest person , i saw that he would be charged the full amount so i accepted the changes and i call Airbnb to let me know how to refund what i proposed .
I received an email saying that all was resolved and i will be debited x amount .
1. i never authorized airbnb to do the refund
2. the support person just calculated the refund based on the long term discount when i said that i offer the refund based on the 5 days stayed regular price . what i received does not even pay for my costs .
I answered many times to airbnb support , the investigation team did not even follow up with me and i still received a standard answer that all amount will be debited on my account .....what they did .
This is a FRAUD . my policy is full payment after check in .. if i decided to refund it is my choice and ... now i discover that i should have done myself a " refund your guest "
How can we let those people doing whatever they want without consequences ? Disappointed is definitely not the right word for what i feel right now .
Please help me by telling me where to complaint or/and where to write because of course when you have a nice exchange with support they are sending you a survey about it , but when they are doing something wring you never got a survey to tell what is wrong .
I already posted on facebook but would like to go further with much more .
Thank you all for the help you may giving me
It all starts by using the wrong procedure to shorten the reservation.
Instead of the guest sending you a change request, you (as the host) should have created the change request yourself. The changeform gives you the option to amend the calculated price to what you (the host) think is a fair deal.
How Airbnb handled the case is still a dispute, next time better stay in control yourself.
Thank you Emilie for your advice .
However , I called airbnb to let me know how I could do that UNFORTUNATELY one more time wrong answer from support . i should have remember that the first and unique time i needed help , the support created a confusion between my guest and I and i struggled to get back a normal relationship .
It would be nice to receive survey when you have a bad experience with support , but it never happen , you only get survey when everything is ok ... what a surprise .
But thanks any way at least I learn something .
Sorry for your experience. Do leave an honest review of this guest to warn future hosts @Valerie-and-Alex0
@Valerie-and-Alex0 I am sorry to hear of your experience, but I am also experiencing issues with airbnb support. I have not been too impressed with them, but when I have had the superhost badge, I get told that one has access to 'priority' support. In practise, I have never found that to be the case. I have just had a guest checkout after about a months stay, and did not leave the place in a reasonable condition. I tried to contact airbnb to get some assistance on the best way to deal with this. One is faced with the bots, which is not helpful when you need to speak to someone, and finding a way to get to a REAL person is incredibly difficult. When I did manage to find a phone number to ring, I was placed in a queue, and kept hanging on, so eventually hung up and left a message if they would call me back. No one called me back after 4 hours so, I left another message again. It is now 4 DAYS later and I am STILL waiting!
It is astonishing that airbnb treat their hosts like this, but even that they actually lie about the type of support one should expect from them if one is a superhost. It is disappointing they do not have a formal internal complaints process. Quite frankly, what we are experiencing is disgusting and shameful.
I sympathise with your experience with airbnb support.