Frustrated with CC glitch!

Level 10
Chicago, IL

Frustrated with CC glitch!

I just spent 10 minutes writing a very thoughtful reply just to get one of those red boxes with something going wrong and answer is lost! Of course I should know by now to copy it just in case I need to paste again.  Aaaaa!


I feel like this was happening some months ago, got fixed and back again. 

I am also terrible at thoughtful replies. I usually put something together full of spelling mistakes. For once I bothered just to see it gone. 

3 Replies 3
Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia


Inna, always copy your text before you hit Reply or Submit.  I know that sounds a bit like the pot calling the frypan black, but it is not just those odd glitches that crop up from time to time! Sometimes I will get called away in the middle of a post and when I come back and complete it, I hit Reply and a red field at the head of the post tells me to refresh the page and authenticate, my time has expired.


Like you, I learned the hard way, particularly where DM was concerned, don't know how many times I got hit with the 'Oops, can't send your message just now'! and the message just disappeared into God knows where.


I would never start a post no matter how short (not just here but on other platforms) and attempt to send without copying first.

The thing that I find most ironic, if a post is going to fail to send, it's always the one you put that extra time and effort into.

Emojis 2.png 


Level 10
Wandandian, Australia

Same here, @Robin4 the short ones never disappear, only the long ones that are exhausting to re-compose..... sigh!

Level 10
Darwin, Australia

Yep, @Inna22 , @Robin4  & @Bronwyn38. It’s the longer more complex posts that go Shazam into the ether, never to be seen again! It rarely happens on the “two liner” posts......... lol...


Besides the copy before submitting or sending, as I’m mainly on my iPad, unless it’s a 1 or 2 liner,  I’ve begun constructing my comment in “Notes” then copy and paste it across into the CC thread. Then adding username tags etc.


How many times do you then decide, “ oh bu##er it, and walk away and not rewrite?