
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session

Funny hosting story

Level 6
Auburntown, TN

Funny hosting story

Thought I would share this because it might bring a smile to others. 
This past weekend there was a little local festival, vendors, music and baking contests, that sort of thing. 
There is also a silly parade, people drive their cars, tractors, ride horses or whatever suits their fancy. 

So my guests who were checking in yesterday rolled into the area just as the parade was starting. They somehow ended up driving in the parade. Realizing this, they decided to go with the flow, rolled down their windows and waved to everyone and drove the entire parade route. 
Been laughing about this all day. 

17 Replies 17
Level 10
South Bruce Peninsula, Canada



Love it!  Thanks for sharing.  We're still laughing😁😁

Level 10
Zagreb, Croatia

😄 haha good one

Hi @Branka-and-Silvia0  just checking on how you both are doing? Nada and I chat every few days by WhatsApp video and we are planning as soon as we can to join together to visit her homeland Croatia... Dubrovnik area. I think of you when I imagine visiting your country..

be well. 

Blessings, Clara

Tnx @Clara116  we are good, I am  chilling on the coast with million other tourists and trying to avoid them 🙂 It’s not easy 

How are you?

@Branka-and-Silvia0 Been puny this week was tested but results today... negative, thank know I'm in Florida and we have many that are not vaccinated and also refuse masks living here. I have blocked the cottage for the rest of August. June and July were my best hosting ever $$ ....I started using Beyond Pricing... dynamic pricing and was blown away with how much people will pay. Since I never book really cheap I still was pretty wide open and suddenly prices up and guests booking 2-3 weeks out June. Then July and August started and I started feeling funky and said I'd block....had a leak in the bathroom and so I pulled up the tile and will marble stain concrete floor. I've wanted to do it for awhile now. Be well 😎

@Clara116I registered on beyond pricing for a test but it asks me for my Airbnb email and airbnb password and it seems weird so I didn't provide it

How much do you pay it?

@Branka-and-Silvia0  only 1% and when others join you get a $30 for months it's cost me so little. They have excellent customer service. I love it and it's a trusted company. They only have access to your pricing calendar. 

Level 10
Lincoln, Canada

@Jody141 that's awesome! Good for them for just going with the flow! 

Level 10
Pensacola, FL

@Jody141 thanks for that sweet image and how cool that they just relaxed and enjoyed the moment. 

Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia


Jody, that is bloody brilliant!

Two years ago I was visiting my daughters on the East coast of Australia. One of them lives in Wollongong, south of Sydney and one afternoon she said....."Dad there is a festival on this afternoon at Mt Keira, why don't we go and check it out!"


I, why not! Part of this festival was a 'games' event.....and this is where I came to the fore!


I am 77 years of age but, have been a water skier and snow skier all my life and I take my skate board with me when I go away so I can check out the local cycle/walking paths. 

Wouldn't you know it, there was a skate boarding contest so I pulled the board out of the car and entered myself amongst all these pimply teenagers .......



Guess what.....I came in second!


Sometimes being old has it's do get to look cool in front of those who think you are a relic.

IMG20170812135547 b.jpg





That’s awesome! Good for you! Keep skating surfing and skiing great brain and body exercise! 

Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia


Probably one of the best afternoons of my life Jody!

When you retire you feel worthless, you feel like you have outlived your usefulness to society.


To be able to stand up there in front of all these guys with that feeling...."Anything you can do I can do better" is just the most priceless moment to a 77 year old. 

I would lay a bet some of them went home that afternoon feeling a bit upstaged!




Those kids learned a good lesson. 
Your story made my day. 
I still surf when I get home to California. I’m no spring chicken. 
cheers to you. 

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Jody141  Great story and one that points out the difference between guests who go with the flow and enjoy themselves in the process, and those who would have considered getting stuck in the parade as some major inconvenience.