I received this response from Airbnb support. The first ques...
I received this response from Airbnb support. The first question I asked was “ what advice are you giving hosts who have seen...
I am taking a liberty here posting material that should be best left hidden! Everyone has their dark secrets!
Every day we have interaction with the CC community managers, they do a great job and don't receive enough recognition.
The reason for that is, all we know about them is what we see in that tiny icon....that Avatar.
Well, with their permission I would like to put that straight.
Communication means so much more when you can visually relate to the person you are dealing with, and by putting a bit of a bio together here I hope that it will promote the CC staff in a more personal and friendly light!
I have delved deep into their personalities and come up with these interesting facts.......
This post was actually inspired by another contributor @Emiel1 and related to one of her most desired questions.
With Christmas just around the corner I hope the moderators accept this in the name of good fun!
@Robin4 Dude you crack me up...........this is really perfect and made for a sweet start to the day - love how you keep us laughing, thinking and dreaming.
Did you forget one? Stephanie, she is on baby leave but returning from what I understand??
Best wishes and blessings to you and Ade.
peace and hugs, Clara
Clara I am acutely aware that I did not include dear Steph, she is at present not represented on the SOG stats so I could not include my take on a bio of her, as much as I would have liked to!
You can only work with the material you can get!
Stay safe over there in Florida possum, have a lovely Christmas and let's all wish for a virus free 2021.
I just can't take a good photo these days!
That's a weak excuse Steph!
My mother destroyed every adult photo that was ever taken of her! It's not that she thought she was unattractive, she thought she never took a good photo!
This is one of only two that remained of her. I managed to get this original from her sister not long before she died in 2009.....
Madge, June 1939
The camera never lies Steph, it's just our perception of it!
Looking forward to your return!
Wow, she was beautiful! I can't believe she destroyed all her adult pictures 😯
It's lovely that you were able to find this one though ❤️
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Yes Liv, it's a bit sad, all we have left of her is photos like this.
A wedding day photo........
A day at the races.......
She felt the camera never caught her at her best! And yet she wasn't a vain woman, she had no delusions of grandeur despite the fact we were a relatively wealthy family.
My mother and father were given a 2,000 acre farming property with a 50 square homestead on it as a wedding present, and I spent my first 15 years in that property, left there in 1956.
I took my girls back there to see it a couple of years ago.....
Albavale. Shannon homestead.
It was funny to see things like a TV Arial on the roof, but is was sad to see the way the maintenance and the garden had gone to ruin. The property has seen better days, dad would be devastated if he could see it now, he always regretted selling it!
Amazing photos as always, @Robin4! Thank you so much for sharing those lovely memories with us. 💕
The property looks very dreamy, you must feel quite grateful to have grown up there 😊🌻
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What a fun investigation @Robin4 , very humanizing shorty and the pics are super cool also. We must not forget that when were sounding off here its these folks that mostly are the ones that are always here to fix the problem more than the blame, we are lucky they are here for us 24/7/365. These 12 folks are the face and voice of Airbnb to millions of hosts and we are blessed to have them! Stay well, JR
Lovely message @Melodie-And-John0 thank you so much for this ❤️
All the best wishes to you and your loved ones
@Robin4 @Laura2484 @Cathie19 @Clara116 @Robin4 @Melodie-And-John0 @Kemi6
Thanks for all you do for us here CC Team!
Wishing the CC team a very merry Christmas!
Hey @Robin4 you really understand me: pizza! ❤️
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