Hosting and change of hosts: How to retain the benefit of excellent reviews when the host/manager of a property with multiple listings changes

Level 2
Marfa, TX

Hosting and change of hosts: How to retain the benefit of excellent reviews when the host/manager of a property with multiple listings changes

Our seven listings at the same property have received excellent listings under the current host/manager, but she will soon be leaving for a graduate school program, even though the ownership of the property will not change.   How can we retain the benefit of these listings but still feature the new host/manager in the listings?  The convenient location and charm of the property is as central to the top ratings as is the talent of the host in interacting with guests.  Any thoughts on resolving this dilemma?  

4 Replies 4
Level 10
Orono, ME



Anne is the primary host. The reviews stay with the primary host. W.R is the co-host. Could you try making W.R. the primary host and then remove Anne as the co-host? I am not exactly sure what will happen but you could try it. 


(I'm a little confused about who is who)

Thank you for your comment.  AirBnB should be responding to these types of questions through a staffer, but of course, their Host support is outrageously non-existent.  I will probably make the new manager a Co-Host, along with Anne, and then attempt to switch them at some point.  I'm just the remote trouble-shooter who tries to keep the whole thing going smoothly.  


@Anne1571 @Emilia42 reviews stay with the listing admin, regardless of who is the primary host. And transferring an account from one person to another is a violation of Airbnb TOS. So assuming Anne (who must be the listing admin because she has the superhost badge)  is the host who is leaving there is no way to accomplish your goal and comply with the TOS.


17. Member Accounts.

...You may not register more than one account or transfer your account to someone else. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality and security of your account credentials and may not disclose your credentials to any third party. You are responsible and liable for activities conducted through your account and must immediately notify Airbnb if you suspect that your credentials have been lost, stolen, or your account is otherwise compromised.