Dear hosts, we are eSIM company. We would like collaboration...
Dear hosts, we are eSIM company. We would like collaboration with your property .if you can provide eSIM for your guests it w...
How are extra decimal places used to calculate superhost? Both my overall and superhost average were showing 4.8 until maybe 3 days ago when my superhost started stats showing 4.7, though my dashboard still shows 4.8
Just had a few more 5 star reviews roll in, I just calculated manually and I’m at a 4.768 average for the last 12 month period. Does that round up to 4.8 and the superhost calculation hasn’t caught up yet? Or will that not round up?
Can you share you post about SuperHost calculations with @Sara952?
@Ute42 produced a wonderful post back in 2018 detailing how the Airbnb rating system is calculated.
Here is the link to that post. It was entitled 'Guantanamo'
Ute put a lot of work into that post, and when you consider she is a native German, Ute came here to improve her mastery of the English language.
After reading that post we would say her English is better than most English speakers.
@Sara952 whilst the answers so far are enlightening I think the answer to your question is 'we don't know'.
If Airbnb are following the rules of mathematics then you should now be achieving a 4.8 rating. Of course Airbnb are not always logical.
Please could I ask that when you find out the answer to your question (ie achieve Superhost status or not) you let us all know.
4.768 will round to 4.8 since superhost ratings are rounded at the nearest tenth. @Sara952 What do your superhost stats say now?
Superhost status is reviewed quarterly. It may be a week or so before the notification is sent out. Please do let us know if you achieved it this past cycle.
Yes, I did get superhost, looks like the correct answer is above from @Emilia42 , rounded to the nearest tenth.