How to push the eject button?

Level 1
Albuquerque, NM

How to push the eject button?

Recently I had a bad situation in which guest held a big party with over 30 people, DJ table, speakers and all. Worse of all, they were bringing fire arms and likely were trading. 


I understand this is an out lier as I have been with airbnb for years and nothing like this has happened before. However, this time I was using another company to manage the property and I reported the issue with them. They failed to act and now I have very upset tenants in the building. 


My question is: should there be a severe violation from the guest in terms of partying or engaging with illegal activities, how does one push the EJECT button to evict them and how does AirBnB would handle that? 


Any insights are very much appreciated! 

2 Replies 2
Level 10
New York, NY

@Camilo231  In your position I would call police immediately over the illegal activity.  Airbnb customer service should be alerted but I would not expect a timely or effective response from them.  

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

The best way to avoid these situations are to vet guests carefully to minimise your risk of partygoers  particularly as your Airbnb business is in a property where you guests can disturb and upset other tenants .



in this case did the booking not raise red flags? What vetting questions did you ask? 


having CCTV enables you to also vet guests on arrival so you can close down parties before they start.


It's not up to Airbnb to handle anything you are the business owner it's your responsibility  . All Airbnb will do is cancel the booking .


if your guests are acting illegally call the police. If not you or a security firm you employ will need to handle  do  the eviction.