@Alexandra-And-Dirk0 Oh, I love looking at fellow hosts' listings and giving unsolicited advice 🙂
One thing I like about this forum is you sort of get to know other hosts who post regularly, as much as you can online, and I know who I'd want to stay with all over the place, if I ever travelled there.
It did actually occur to me after I posted that, that you maybe hadn't really finished decking it out and filling in all the wording, but since you said it was live, it seemed like that was the final listing.
I see from the dates of your past reviews that you were hosting back in 2015- 2017. That warning I gave you about requiring positive reviews for IB is because things have changed a lot since you last hosted. Long time hosts have been reporting here that post-Covid, they've been getting the worst guests they've ever had. Lots of newbie guests, who don't bother to read all the listing info, sneaking in extra people and pets, leaving a mess behind them. Then there are now blogs and other online coms where guests tell each other how to scam a free stay by claiming there were bedbugs or hidden cameras, etc. And customer service is abysmal now- it's all farmed out to third party contractors overseas, the reps are ill-trained, don't even know Airbnb policy, and often give out completely erroneous info and bad advice. Having to contact them about anything is something you'll want to avoid if possible.
There's still plenty of great guests out there, but just be aware that things in Airbnb land aren't like they used to be. You have to be way more vigilant these days about who you let in the door.