Html code to share a listing shows the wrong price

Level 1
Auckland, New Zealand

Html code to share a listing shows the wrong price



I want to share my listing on my web site.
I followed >share>embed>copy html  and then uploaded that html on my website

My website now loads an image and a link to my Airbnb listing, so far so good.

...the displayed link shows the wrong price.  ($85 instead of $110 in my case.) 

This is false advertising and is illegal in many countries.


Can Airbnb urgently fix this problem?  or update and clarify the the instructions on how to share and embed HTML code.





3 Replies 3
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


I looked at your listing, the price is  $ 90,- (New Zealand Dollar) per night !

Level 1
Auckland, New Zealand

Yes, the listing price is Indeed $90 but including the service fee, guests pay $110. (Plus cleaning fee)

Airbnb displays $110 on search results and the HTML code should also display $110.

Instead the embedded code displays $85.




Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


The "inclusive" price can only be displayed when the required dates are known, as used in the search system. The embedded code assumes 1 guest is going to stay for 1 night in the nearby future and it generated today on your webstie the following link:

Generated URL


Which displays correcty $110,- as the nightly price on the Airbnb website


But..... to display a correct price on YOUR website Airbnb uses a complex JavaScript.:

JavaScript code


It is my impression this script has errors, resulting in displaying the nightly price being $ 85,-.

(The script produces also several errors in the Firefox browser console)


So yes, i think Airbnb has something to fix !