I am wondering how to aligned the AirBnb prices with other platforms?

Level 1
Bucharest, Romania

I am wondering how to aligned the AirBnb prices with other platforms?

Hello, I am Carmen, I am from Romania, but I own 2 properties in Corfu, one is advertised one is in renovation process. I am wondering why I have guests coming from other platform mainly(booking.com) and very few on AirBnB. It is looks like I am not able to aligned the prices and I think I don't understand how is composed the total price paid by the client and it is too high for me. 

Also, I am keen to make home exchange, if possible and allowed with other host from all the world....

Thank you fin advance for your help!

5 Replies 5
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Tudose0 if you sign up for simplified pricing then the price you set will include all Airbnb fees and the guest will pay no platform fee (just like Booking.com). Of course your host fees will rise from 3%+VAT to 15%+VAT

@Mike-And-Jane0 Dear Mike, thank you very much for your help. Unfortunately I don’t know how to do this….Meanwhile I have the second question link with the price and with fiscal policy. I am an individual person and I don’t have a business in rentals, I do not pay VAT, why I should charge the guests with VAT?! Thank you

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Tudose0 You will not charge VAT on the overnight charges but Airbnb has to charge VAT on their fees. 

@Joan2709 will guide you in changing to an all inclusive fee on Airbnb because she is way more computer literate than I am.

Hi @Tudose0 😊

Thank you for asking these questions in the community!


I was just wondering if you’ve found solutions to all your questions.

Don’t hesitate to let me know and thank you, everyone, for your helpful comments.


Warm regards ‌🌻‌,



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Sounds like you are saying that you're getting more bookings on booking.com than Airbnb? Keep in mind that if you do better on another platform, your calendar on Airbnb is blocked by those bookings. Because the dates are no longer available on Airbnb, you will appear less often when a guest is searching by dates on Airbnb, as the dates have already been booked on another platform (booking.com).


For this reason, I usually suggest guests don't necessarily list their property on Airbnb and booking.com at the same time. Ultimately what happens is one platform will do better than the other, since the calendars are synced. It may not have anything to do with your price per night. To determine if your prices are competitive, look at other listings on Airbnb that are similar to ensure you are priced correctly. 


Hah...not sure I'm that much better on the computer stuff, @Mike-And-Jane0 😊