If Airbb trained 911 staff

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

If Airbb trained 911 staff

911: Good afternoon, I'm Jacilundie Q, your 911 agent today, how can I assist you?


Caller:  OMG, I just gashed my leg open!  I think I must have hit an artery or something, because the blood's coming out really fast and hard. Did you get the photo? I have a towel pressed against it, is there anything else I should be doing until the ambulance arrives?


911: I'll go check, sir, just give me a moment.






Caller: Hello, hello- are you still there? I'm starting to feel faint....


911: Yes, sir, I'm back now, sorry for the wait, I was just checking with my supervisor. We both reviewed the photo, and your arm looks fine to us. I don't think it's anything you need to be concerned about, but if


Caller- It's my leg! And... I'm... losing... con...sciousn.......


911: you need more information, I've just texted you a link to our 911 Help page which has a comprehensive checklist of everything that should be in your first aid kit. Is there anything else I can assist you with today, sir? Sir, are you still there? I'm sorry sir, but if a caller doesn't respond within 30 seconds, we close the ticket. Okay sir, this case is now closed, but don't hesitate to let us know if you need more help in the future, we're always here to assist you with any issues. Have a great day and thank you for calling 911!

23 Replies 23
Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

Left on voicemail from 911: Good evening, this is Hominem, Jacilundie Q's supervisor. I'm just reaching out to you today to check that you got the help you needed when you called 3 weeks ago, and I hope that your arm has fully healed, even though we didn't consider it as big a deal as you thought it was. And let me take this opportunity to thank you for having an accident. We so appreciate our callers being careless when undertaking home-improvement projects better left to professionals, because you help to make 911 the great resource that so many have come to rely on. Have a great day!

Level 10
Lloret de Mar, Spain

Yesss, you cheered me up all day.🤣

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

They messaged me six weeks after I contacted them about an issue with a guest to see if I needed any help @Sarah977 

I was contacted by phone by "Jendl" who was reading generic corporate blather from a script. It was two weeks after the guest and I needed them to help with a booking. The date passed.

I have a pending claim that I documented. Waiting to see how long before I stop getting generic "we received your documentation and are looking into it" emails. 😞


Level 10
New York, NY

@Sarah977  LOLZ


But you guys I was thinking about doing a post about an amazing experience with customer service I had this week.  I haven't done it because people hate it when I'm happy 🤣🤣🤣


@Anna9170 @Helen3 @Christine615 

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Why would people hate that @Ann72 

My experience with Airbnb when it comes to customer service is generally good.


This is the first issue I have had with them in five years of hosting. 

@Helen3  Didn't come off as funny as I meant, but some don't like stories of Good Airbnb, I think because there are hosts who have suffered horrible frustrations.


I've never had a real problem with CS either and I'm glad you've had the same experience.

@Ann72  I'm one of the lucky hosts who's never had any guest issue I had to call Airbnb about, aside from a few guests not answering messages, and Airbnb got in touch with them, whereupon the guests did answer me. Any other issues have been tech related, or asking them to clarify some new feature or policy, which is usually ambiguous. I over 3 years of hosting, I think I've had to contact CS maybe 7 times.


So all my communications with them have been via messaging. I'm pretty good at stating things clearly and simply with them, yet it always seems to take at least 3 back and forths until they actually understand and address my issue. In the end, I get a real answer and even apologies for first sending me some useless link to the Help pages, but having to clarify what was clearly stated in the first place is frustrating, and CS staff is getting paid for their time, I'm not.


I don't mind hearing good stories at all, though.

@Ann72, I had a couple bad ones a few months ago and it left a lousy taste in my mouth.   Last week I had a great one with a nice person "Mary", she answered quickly, listened to my concerns and reacted and responded appropriately, she gets a 10 from me and Im feeling more confident I have the Airbnb we all want and need coming back online ready to support both hosts and guests in a timely manner, hopefully better than ever!   That doesn't mean there aren't challenges ahead, they just don't seem as dire as they did just a short time ago, keepin my fingers crossed!  Stay well, JR

Level 10
Daylesford, Australia

@Sarah977 , jacilundie q! Hominem! Nice work.

@Sandra126  Occasionally I'll get some CS rep with a normal name like Josh or Seth or Jessica, but I have to say, so many of the names they come up with aren't even names that I could assume are Filipino, or wherever they have outsourced to. It's like the CS reps just make up some bizarre name or it's some name they made up for their imaginary friend when they were 4 years old.

@Sarah977 , i have known a number of folks that have worked on help lines, its a pretty thankless job, I don't know how they don't all become alcoholics!  Like it or not, its hard to find folks to do this job en mass 24/7/365 like animal farming and agriculture, other nations and nationalities have capitalized on that, I don't blame them.   It is up to the mothership to better prepare and train the workforce and empower them  to be the resident experts every time we interact with them.   Stay well, JR 

Level 10
Warwick, Australia

@Sarah977@Ann72@Helen3,  @Sandra126,  @Christine615 Needed a good laugh!

Level 10
Warwick, Australia

Wow, community service was very quick to answer my request for assistance earlier this week. Also, most tuned in assistance ever as she cottoned on to what was needed without repeating my request and did it swiftly.