Inbox search

Level 10
Alberta, Canada

Inbox search

Anyone else finding the inbox search doesn't work? It comes up empty whether I input guest name or confirmation code.


Also, mods can you please get the tech people to fix this CC forum? I'm so tired of typing out a message only to get an error message and having to start over. @Stephanie @Nick 

4 Replies 4
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


The search function works well at my side (on the website)

BTW there is a trick to directly initiate the search by using the link


Where XXXXX is the search keyword, like name of guest (full or partial), reservationnr etc..

Advantage is also: inbox loads much quicker

@Emiel1 Thanks, that doesn't work for me either. I've tried desktop and app. To clarify, I'm searching for a message thread with a past guest, not current/upcoming. Is it only functional for upcoming bookings? If so, how useless is that. Unless you're a host with 50 listings, upcoming guests are easy to find. My list is pretty short. No need to search.

Level 10
New York, NY

@Colleen253  Search works for me as well.  Is it possible you archived the message thread with the last guest?  If so, you’d have to search that box separately.  (Because why would “all messages” mean “ALL messages”? 😂)

Level 2
Pleasantville, NY

When I do an Inbox search, I get no results from messages that are more than 3 years old. The oldest results are from late January 2019 or early February 2019. I'd like to hear from anyone else if you can or cannot get search results from messages 3 or more years old.