Is this a new scam? 2 inquiries asking if they can use our address to establish residency (more or less)?

Level 4
Rockford, IL

Is this a new scam? 2 inquiries asking if they can use our address to establish residency (more or less)?

I am wondering if this is some kind of new scam or what!  I received 2 inquiries in the last 24 hours asking to use the address of the apartment to establish residency etc.  I told them both that isn't something we are comfortable with.  I am just wondering what you guys think.  Here are the inquiries...


Hello, how are you? I have some questions about monthly rent. I'm being transferred to a new job here in IL. I have to go to the bank to transfer my address. Could I use POBOX from your apartment during my 1 month period?


and this is the next one from someone different...


Hello. i am moving from california to ilinois, and i would like to stay 35 days in this place. but before I have a question, do I have access to the mailbox? I need to receive some documents due to the change, you know ...


Let me know your thoughts...


4 Replies 4
Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Julie660 Whether they are scams or not, this is definitely not something you ever want to agree to. Tell the guest it's not allowed, that they will have to use a mailbox-type place as an address.


But I would also click the report button to indicate you think you're being scammed.

Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


I received  a request this week for 1 month stay. It was even more demanding: the guest (from abroad) mentioned to want registration at municipality as inhabitant. After asking some questions, the account (offcourse new and without ID, reviews)  suddenly disappeared.

@Julie660  Definitely say no to these inquiries. As long as they're not binding Requests, you don't even have to click the Decline button - just say no and block them.


If you're offering long-term stays (which I truly, deeply discourage doing via Airbnb) you're going to attract some people who know that Airbnb only collects the first 30 days of payment, and have no intention of paying you beyond that. So if someone establishes right-of-residency in 30 days under your local law, you can't legally remove them without going through a complicated and expensive eviction process. And in many places there is currently a moratorium on evictions that considers an Airbnb booking to be equivalent to a lease.


I'd strongly recommend that you make sure you're up to date on the current right-of-tenancy laws in your jurisdiction (which might have changed in recent months) and set your maximum length of stay below the threshold. 

Level 10
Swannanoa, NC

@Julie660   Never ever allow a guest to receive mail at your address.  This is very often the first step to establishing residency.