I am wondering if this is some kind of new scam or what! I received 2 inquiries in the last 24 hours asking to use the address of the apartment to establish residency etc. I told them both that isn't something we are comfortable with. I am just wondering what you guys think. Here are the inquiries...
Hello, how are you? I have some questions about monthly rent. I'm being transferred to a new job here in IL. I have to go to the bank to transfer my address. Could I use POBOX from your apartment during my 1 month period?
and this is the next one from someone different...
Hello. i am moving from california to ilinois, and i would like to stay 35 days in this place. but before I have a question, do I have access to the mailbox? I need to receive some documents due to the change, you know ...
Let me know your thoughts...