Linking Airbnb calendars.

Level 2
Allora, Australia

Linking Airbnb calendars.

I have 1 home with 2 suites.  Guests can book both suites or just 1 suite.  

I have them listed as 3 listings.  

Listing 1 - Both suites.

Listing 2 - 1 suite A.

Listing 3 - 1 suite B.

From listing 1, I have linked listing 2 & 3.  The screen says it is linked however when I check the calendars, the bookings made for listing 1 aren't carrying over to listings 2 & 3.  Thus it leaves listings 2 & 3 available for booking which they are not.

I have followed the instructions on Airbnb but seems I am missing a vital step?  Any ideas what I could be missing?



4 Replies 4
Level 10
Zagreb, Croatia
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Kerry88 Additionally to @Branka-and-Silvia0 's answer bear in mind that when you block the calendar of one listing it doesn't block the other listings in the same way that a booking would. This is a useful feature for some situations but causes issues if hosts don't understand how the system works.

Right, also cancelation will not automatically unblock linked listing ( I think )

Level 2
Allora, Australia

thank you, this is helpful.