Hello! I recently made a reservation to a listing but my itinerary changed last minute and so I need to change my reservation dates. Not cancel the entire reservation. I tried to change the date. At first, the host said it's impossible due to Airbnb's policy but I looked it up and Airbnb's policy said I can change my reservation dates before and after checking-in. So I was a little confused. Then, the host started mentioning the the "Principle Policy". I looked it up but I can't find any articles relating to that policy. Is this policy really true? Or are they just making it up?
@Nazaret11 Nazaret it is 'impossible ' for the host if someone else has the days before and after your booking. Its not a hotel . If not the host will let you know if a checkin or checkoiut date can extend ,but a whole process including cancellation will most likely have to be gone through otherwise and thats when the hosts 'cancellation policy ' comes into play .I think probably the host meant 'its the principle of the thing' in other words ,'the right or wrong thing to do.It would be a very good idea for you to look at the hosts 'rules' and 'cancellation policy ' because you did sign up for them .H