Need one night stay surcharge option

Level 2
Kennewick, WA

Need one night stay surcharge option

With the increased cost and risk of cleaning between guests (due to COVID), we really need Airbnb to enable a one night surcharge option. I don’t want to switch to a multi night minimum stay or significantly increase my cleaning fee, but the one night stays are now much harder to accommodate safely and I’d like to state a one night minimum stay but with a surcharge if only staying one night. Is there any way to get Airbnb to address this?  

2 Replies 2
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Carol611 Why don't you want to use the cleaning fee? It seems ideal as it will amortise over the number of nights stayed with one nighters paying a lot per night and gradually reducing on a per night basis as the booking length increases.

I suspect Airbnb have bigger fish to fry than accommodating the quirks of every host (myself included)

Level 10
Clare, Australia

@Carol611 the simple answer is to charge 'whatever you need to' for the 1st night, then significantly discount for the following nights. (eg. 20% after 1 night...).

Just test out some numbers on a spreadsheet where you can play with money and percentages. 

That should make a decent incentive for long term stays, and the single nighters will pay the right price without any complicated explanations. 

Good luck with the maths.