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Dear HAP Members (who are hosts (and Hosts that hang out here!),
Hosts here on our beloved CC have overwhelmingly rightfully pointed our fingers squarely at Airbnb's Customer Service system as broken and often the bane of our existence when we are in need, its in need of a Rehab ASAP. I think others would agree that we as hosts do not get treated as priority customers anymore and have to wait way to long to find out that we were not listened too or understood and either we or our guests (or both) are gonna get a failing grade because of that.
As highly rated hosts, it would be reasonable to assume many or all of you have encountered the same issues dealing with the new CS departments as we do. Modern day Inn Keeping is a 24/7/365 day a year constantly changing and evolving situations, our CS needs must reflect an urgency and transparency commensurate with job at hand. Its been a year since Covid hit, claiming EC as the reason the CS teams are still not firing on all cylinders doesn't work for a million or so hosts that if they are still receiving Airbnbs guest bookings with open arms (At a social distance of course (Haha ), we have moved beyond that roadblock long ago.
My purpose for writing this thread is to see if I can spawn some type of consensus between Hosts and HAB's that almost nothing that doesn't focus squarely on making the CS Shops more responsive to hosts needs is worth pursuing cause the CS department is responsible for effectively supporting its hosts wide variety common and not so common problems. Many of us that found ourselves in situations that the CS was sucking bad at dealing with unexplainable issues that were in need of urgency and @Nick , @Liv, @Quincy , @Katie and @Lizzie and others (Lizzies angels (ha ha) have swooped in and often saved the day and our bacon for us. The thing is, they already have real jobs keeping this CC alive and functional, we really need the CC to do what they once did better than most help lines, help hosts and guests when and where they need it.
Anyone second my feelings that this is our #1 most common problem area hosting? Thanks in advance for listening and sharing BTW, stay well, JR
@Anna1403 , @Bez8, @Antonella78, @Susan208, @Till-and-Jutta0, @Nutth0, @Norma17, @Peter1, @Merredith0, @Pascale144, @Omar202, @Pooja30, @Tiffany204, @Vinicius0, @Shinya0, @Ningyi0, @Samuel604
Where in Canada are you hosting? The community leader program is excellent in connecting you with local hosts. Let me know and I will make sure you get involved. These local groups are excellent for discussing local issues and restrictions
@SandyAndGreg0 more about the HAB: https://www.airbnb.com/d/hostadvisoryboardintl
Thanks, @Till-and-Jutta0 I'm new to engaging in the community. They use the future tense, so I gather this is just getting started. Good initiative.
Hi and thanks for talking to the HAB. Members. You are right Airbnb does want to get things right, they definitely have the hosts at #1 - since joining the HAB I have been constantly amazed at the level of concern all the staff and managers have for us hosts. Believe me they know more than anyone the pain points us hosts have and they are working on them, I promise. The HAB also care about your issues and we will definitely keep host issues at the forefront of everything we do. Merrydith
@Merrydith0 , thank you for chatting here also, thanks also for you and your compadres advocation of extending Superhost status through October, our hosts cant afford more loss at the moment.
Time is short till the guests return (I think and pray), there has never been a better time to fix broken things and methods in prep for that both in our STR spaces and in the virtual world of the Airbnb Mothership. I can assure you after a few hours with the CS shops Bots, a nice host rep that could read rules but couldn't comprehend the actual problem at hand (the anti party widget ban hammer mislabeling suites in our house as "Entire Spaces" even though hosts live in the same home) , dropped calls on the "Superhost line" and more lost revenues for Bearpath Lodging in the end, its still not a functional service for hosts and its imperative this be the #1 concern of the HAB members. All things urgent and most important 24/7/365 are filtered through and resolved or not there. It worked like a champ 2 years ago but its more like a "has been" today. Stay well and good luck! JR
@Merrydith0 Take a tour around the community center and read some of the recent host stories about guests being refunded under absolutely ridiculous circumstances and unacceptable customer service experiences and tell me that Airbnb has hosts at #1. If they do, they have a really funny way of showing it.
The HAB was appointed 4 months ago and we still don't even have an answer on what issues will be addressed or how to submit concerns for consideration. The board is completely opaque at the moment. Lots of feel-good messaging with no actual information.
Hosts were being solicited for feedback before the board was formed. Most of the feedback - for example, pet fees, changing the review process, better host safety and security, security deposits - has been summarily ignored. While I appreciate your optimism, I don't really understand it based on the evidence to date. You obviously have more insider knowledge, but that's not being shared with hosts at large. In the meantime, for the average host, it feels like we're not being heard at all, and it definitely doesn't feel like we're #1. It feels like we're well behind investors, management, and guests in the pecking order. Of course that's not the message Airbnb will convey when they're in the middle of a major recruitment drive.
I understand your feelings, I am a host too. The HAB are all hosts and we are doing everything we can, and yes I am optimistic for the future.
@Merrydith0 Okay, so specifically, what are you doing at the HAB, and when will that be shared with hosts at large? What are the actual steps being taken? What mechanicsms are in place to effect change? How are you representing us as hosts?
@Alexandra316 & @Melodie-And-John0
As a HAB member, I cannot answer specific questions, but as hosts we (HAB) feel exactly the same as you all. You have to know that CS is a top priority for us too and we are doing everything we possibly can to make hosting more safe, fair and satisfying. However, the last 4 months has taught me that in a large company things take time, there are two sides to every story, Airbnb is one of the most ethical companies I have ever worked with, and hosts are #1. They, like all of us, suffered because of Covid, but all their staff have worked very hard, in difficult times, to try to ensure our (hosts)safety and to build a better CS. One that can be more responsive to individual situations.
@Merrydith0 Thank you for weighing in here, but the things you are saying, regarding CS and the company considering hosts #1 is the contrary of what most hosts on this forum experience, as is evidenced by reading the reports here, that appear daily, of hosts receiving appalling treatment. This is even true of hosts who have been with Airbnb for years, often since its inception, who used to be big Airbnb cheerleaders and are now seriously considering leaving the platform, if they haven't already.
No personal offense intended, but it seems like Airbnb hand picked the HAB from among the hosts who are gung-ho Airbnb boosters and regurgitate a lot of the company's placating lines, like "in a large company things take time, there are two sides to every story..."
Airbnb has had plenty of time to correct issues hosts have been complaining about for years now, and have seen fit to ignore it all. So "hosts are #1" rings quite false and hearing things like this from HAB members doesn't inspire much confidence that you even realize how bad custoner service is and how guest-centric Airbnb policies and decisions are.
Thank you and I know it's hard to hear that things 'take time' etc. I know, the same as you, of the trials and tribulations of hosts around the world. Every day on our club Facebook page I work with hosts to deal with situations that have arisen and try to help them work on ways to prevent future problems.
As a HAB member I am unable to comment on specific things we are working on until they are public, but we all hear you and every host who has had problems (some horrific) - in fact- members of our board have their own horrific issues and had to deal with CS.
I can only re-iterate what I have said previously, that we and Airbnb are working on trying to make hosting fairer, safer and more enjoyable. I know that is not a comfort to you at the moment and I guess at the end of our term on the HAB we will be judged, but at least I know that we (HAB)have all tried and are trying to actually do something constructive.
@Merrydith0 Thank you for your response. I don't doubt that your and the other HAB member's intentions are noble. But the very fact that you aren't at liberty to disclose what you are working on makes it appear that you aren't representing hosts, but working for Airbnb.
If someone is working on my behalf, be it my accountant, a building contractor, or anyone else, what they are working on for me isn't some secret, only to be revealed at some unspecified later date.
Hi Sarah! Sorry I've been inactive for a bit due to some personal issues. But I'm slowly making my way back.
Almost all advisory boards for public companies are bound by confidentiality agreements. Especially a company as big as Airbnb. This isn't to keep things from the community, but rather to abide by certain regulations and allow the HAB to work in a transparent environment.
At the end of the day we all want the same thing. The ball is rolling and picking up momentum.
@Bez8 "This isn't to keep things from the community, but rather to abide by certain regulations and allow the HAB to work in a transparent environment. "
Transparent to whom?
confidentiality agreements are put in place to create an environment for both parties to discuss things freely. Just be patient and follow the HAB progress through the updates that are being shared.