No help from your helpcenter!!!

Level 1
Barsebäck, Sweden

No help from your helpcenter!!!


i contacted your helpcenter 5 days ago because a servere damage on my home, made by our last guest.

it has been very emotionel of cause, but I really trusted Airbnb as my security.

i was told in first hand, that a superior would get back to me within 10 minutes. But nothing happend.

Now, 5 days after - I have tried to call you 8 times!

And email you just as much..


i have been told several times that the case is categorised “urgent”. 
I dont know how anyone would keep their trust and sence of cooperration in Airbnb after this.

why is is so imposible to get help from you, when you write it on your web as “so simple”???

BR Kirsten 


1 Reply 1
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Hello @Kirsten234 


firstly this is not Airbnb we are a community of hosts and guests like yourself who provide each other with help.

I am so sorry to hear a guest severely damaged your home.


the important thing in this case if you want to make a claim against Airbnb's guarantee is to follow the procedures they have outlined in their T&Cs for doing so (go to Airbnb Help and search Airbnb Guarantee) 


you don't actually need to speak to Airbnb to initiate the claim and start the process


1. you need to collect photographic and video evidence of the damage


2. you need to contact the guest via Airbnb to flag the damages, send them your video and photo evidence and tell them you are lodging a claim for them to pay for the damage with an approx cost (you need to do this before your next guest checks in) 


3. If the guest ignores you or denies the claim contact airbnb who will investigate the claim


3. I'm not sure whether you have got quotes for repairs yet if not get these and receipts for costs of any goods that need replacing