Odd Reservation Inquiry from First Time guest

Level 2
Ottawa, Canada

Odd Reservation Inquiry from First Time guest

So I had a new guest sent a reservation pre-approval. This guest did not have their ID verified and just joined October 2021 with no reviews. That to me was a bit of a red flag. However most concerning is the message this person sent. Something didn’t sit right with me after I read it. 

Hey, love the spot. In one of the photos I see what appears to be the main cottage on the left and on the right is a separate structure. Is that structure on the right simply a detached garage? I was just looking to confirm it isn’t a neighbour that close. 


The garage isn’t even that close. This individual would be travelling alone and to be honest it’s not cheap for one night at our three bedroom cottage. So wondering what the intention is of the stay. 

So I wrote back, asked this individual to get verified, confirm guest number and reason for trip and what was their expectations  as per recommendations by hosts on this site in another forum. I also declined the pre-approval and told them I would be happy to relook at the pre-approval once all the above was completed. 

This person has since gotten ID verified and sent another message asking if our place is free for one night. They did not confirm reason for trip or expectations. I told them we have a two night minimum stay as per the calendar requirement. I don’t know why, but I am feeling anxious about this persons question and the entire thing. Also reading how sometimes first time stays have been disastrous, I am very worried. 


7 Replies 7
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Rose1782 If they are not answering questions I would pass on this one especially if they are local.

Level 10
Frederick, MD

@Rose1782I would not allow any one night stays unless I was close to an airport or train station. Is there a reason you okay these? If not, 2 night minimum will help weed out parties. If you have it already check your settings to be sure it is showing up. This guest should not be able to book a single night with that filter on.


Some guests are really strange about visible neighbors but this request has "party" written all over it. I would just say "Thanks so much for your interest and we wish you the best for finding a space that fits your needs." Just decline the reservation and move on.

Level 10
Arkansas, United States




Level 10
Alberta, Canada

@Rose1782 you’ve already received good advice, so I will only add that It’s a good idea to never ignore your instincts, and red flags. This person is not only putting up red flags, but did not answer your questions. Easy decline!

Level 2
Ottawa, Canada

Thanks everyone! I have declined! Your responses just confirmed my feelings are likely right. Really appreciate this great group of people. 

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Rose1782  You say this required pre-approval, which would mean it was an inquiry message rather than a booking request. Do not decline Inquiries- it isn't necessary and affects your Acceptance rate. All you need to do for an Inquiry is message back within 24 hrs.


I agree there are several red flags on this, and best not to accept. But I don't understand why you would consider a new account to be a red flag. Everyone has to join up at some point- people aren't born with Airbnb accounts. 


A new profile isn't a red flag, it just means you may have to explain things to a newbie guest and vet them more carefully than a seasoned guest.

You are spot on about the newbie account not being a red flag. It’s is a piece of the puzzle however.  
New account + not directly answering the number of guests + wanting a one night stay = trouble.
Sometimes we have to coax information out of newbies and we are pleasantly surprised. They just don’t know what to expect first time booking and they are absolutely wonderful guests.
Sometimes they end up being absolute jerks who accuse you of ageism and racism though you can’t see their photo and only have a generic first name. Trust your gut. Ask the questions.