I received this response from Airbnb support. The first ques...
I received this response from Airbnb support. The first question I asked was “ what advice are you giving hosts who have seen...
Hi Everyone,
The guest checked in my place, stated 2 guests only. It turned out that more than 10 people showed up. My neighbors called me at 1 am and complaining about the disturbance. They took out the smoke detectors and party the whole night even though partying and smoking are not allowed as I clearly stated on my listing. And yet, I am scared the report this issue to Airbnb, because your review policy gives the right to guests to make a review even in this situation. Your help support is asking me to contact the guest and request the money for the damages. How can I expect a good review from this kind of rude guest if I contact them and make a complaint to them? Do you have any suggestions? I am scared to report these problems to avoid bad reviews.
I'm so sorry guests damaged your place.
You are a highly experienced host with over 500 reviews so I'm surprised you are concerned about the guest leaving a review - as you know how the review system works.
By the way you have not reached Airbnb - but a community of hosts and guests.
Im a little puzzled as to how the guests were able to party throughput the night when your neighbours alerted you at 1 am that a party was in full flow? (And why you didn't have CCTV in place).
Did you or your co-host not go over there to close down the party and ask the guests to leave? Rather than let them cause further disturbance to your neighbours and damage to your place.???
Of course you should contact Airbnb with evidence of any damage to your place - putting in a claim. And leave an honest review.
As you'll know as an experienced host if your guests do leave a bad review people will be able to see it was because they partied in your place and see it in the context of wider good reviews.
If it's against Airbnb's T&C's for reviews you can get it removed.
Helen 3 ,do guests have access to this group?
@Helen3 Wow,that’s news to me, I thought this group was private for hosts,no wonder some guests try and get away with all sorts as they must read about the host’s problems.
@Ian611 Only the Host Circle board is private, for hosts only. It’s not used as much as it should be 😉
I'm. It sure where you got that idea @Ian611 it clearly says in the intro to the community boards who the forum is for.
Bad guests behave badly because they aren't very nice people. The same goes for bad hosts. Highly unlikely bad guests are coming here looking for tips on how to scam hosts - lots of advice on doing this on other websites and groups @Ian611
I had a bad guest before ,she is also a host,she rented my flat for her workers and they destroyed a mattress,but she wriggled out of paying for it ,so how did she know how to avoid paying,I eventually got refunded vis the host guarantee with a fight.
Just do the right thing.
Submit a request for damages. Write a truthful and objective review regarding your experience.
Defend your listing if you receive a poor review by writing a well chosen retort based on the guests conduct. You will feel better doing this , you will see.
Everything else is just chaff.
Will your guest write a review? - It's out of your hands.
Can the airbnb review system be better ? - as above.
Will your stats be damaged? - With 500 reviews, it's their rubber dinghy ramming your supertanker now.
Should you be scared? - No.
@Evren4 Contact the guest for damages. Also add that removing the smoke detectors is illegal, as well as disturbing the peace, include # of noise ordnance if you can. This will likely dissuade them from leaving a bad review thinking you have the option to press charges.
Wait until late the 14th day to leave a review, that way when they get the notification that you left them a review they won't have time to write you one. You can also have their review removed if its violates the review policy.
They can already leave you a review anyway and you need to both report damages and contact guest for damages before next check in. I also try to keep my reviews up to absorb one bad review for bad guest.
Take pictures of everything.