Review Content policy

Level 2
Himachal Pradesh, India

Review Content policy


One of my friend, recently posted a review for his guest. The review is fair and non discriminatory in my opinion and as per the culture in my society. 

In the review he said that guest was "little impatient". Which is really fine in an Indian society. It is considered as just a characteristic of a person, nothing offensive. 



Could someone help me to understand whether it is wrong as per Airbnb non discriminatory policy

9 Replies 9

@Akshay52 I think one would have to see the entire review to even make a guess at whether it might be considered in breach of the content policy. The actual events of the stay might be relevant as context.


In general, though, a review should avoid making presumptions about the other person's feelings and motives. It's entirely possible to recount the facts of your experience without attempting a verdict on the other person's character. 

Level 10
Arkansas, United States



It appears that a post is “wrong” whenever someone decides it is.


 The “Non-Discrimination Policy” is often referenced.


Airbnb’s Nondiscrimination Policy


It is so vague that it could include nearly anything.


We are forced to resort to euphemisms rather than stating the bald truth, which is likely to offend the offenders.


Airbnb really does not want to discourage paying guests regardless of how impossible they are.

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Akshay52  Are you saying that the review was removed, stating that it violated review policy? 


I  wouldn't say that a host stating that the guest was a little impatient to be at all disciminatory, but I can see that the guest might find it offensive. However, if hosts write honest reviews, there are many things hosts say that guests find offensive-  of course they don't want anyone to say they left the place a mess, or behaved badly, but  then they should have thought about that and not behaved badly in the first place.


It's best to stick to facts in a review, though. A different way your friend could have stated that was "I found it difficult to please this guest".

Level 2
Himachal Pradesh, India

He received an email saying something about an recent incident

Level 2
Himachal Pradesh, India

No, The review was not removed. The guest reported cleanliness and other issues to airbnb support and all listings got suspended till it gets reviewed !

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Akshay52  Oh, this has nothing to do with the review, then. This is what scammer guests do. They make bogus complaints to Airbnb about cleanliness or bed bugs or a safety issue, in order to get a refund, and Airbnb syspends the host's listing pending an "investigation".


This hass been happening to hosts right and left these days. It's totally outrageous. This forum is full of reports of excellent, long established hosts who've been suspended, based on one guest's lies.

Level 2
Himachal Pradesh, India

Actually, guests did not make any discussion about these issues on Airbnb chat feed. He claims that he communicated these issues over a call to the host and probably has the proof.


@Akshay52  You aren't understanding- guests who do this don't bring these issues up with the host during the stay, because there usually aren't any issues- it's all made up.


This is why hosts should not communicate with guests by phone, text, or whatapp, but through the Airbnb messaging- hosts need to have written documentation to show Airbnb of any conversations that took place between host and guest, or that the guest made no complaints during the stay, nor gave the host an opportunity to correct what they claim to Airbnb were issues.


How do you think the guest can "prove" what was said during a phone conversation?

Level 2
Himachal Pradesh, India

They could have presented any call recording, which could be fake or made up